Title: Life by Design: Mastering Energy, Money and Leverage in 9 Simple Steps
Author: Sundardas D Annamalay
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 978-1543404562
Pages: 202
Genre: Business/Time Management
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Pacific Book Review
Former United States President Barack Obama once said, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” If that’s true, then author Sundardas D Annamalay and the book Life by Design: Master Energy, Money and Leverage in 9 Simple Steps is exactly what you need in your life to help you achieve that goal.
The basic idea for this book revolves around most people being overwhelmed not by the work they have to do each day, but the added activities of home and personal life that get added onto the average person’s schedule, making everything ten times more difficult. This book allows readers to create a system in which they can evaluate their time and organize everything so that readers can prioritize the things necessary to move on with their day, and leave behind the things that aren’t really necessary.
What really made me appreciate the context of this book was the experience the author brought to the lessons being taught. With years of experience, the author has taught over 15,000 people in over 20 countries about these time management lessons, after spending years studying the context. You can especially feel the experience in passages like this. “So in order to understand what really matters to you, you need to explore and evaluate. Those who eventually become crystal clear about what matters do so because they have the benefit of hindsight, experience, and evidence that something really works for them.”
This is a book geared towards those struggling to manage their business and work life with the home and personal lives that demand their attention on a daily basis. Personally I connected with the content simply because I too have trouble maintaining a perfect balance between work and home life. It’s not always simple or easy to balance the two out, but this method from author Sundardas D Annamalay really emphasizes the need for the individual to evaluate their time, discard the things you don’t need to do or that aren’t a priority, and implement your planning and maintain the discarding process as needed. It really helps to put your life into perspective when you take an approach like this.
This book was incredibly written. The author did a great job not only laying out the steps individuals need to take for the perfect time management balance in their life, but also analyzed the various issues that may affect an individual, from family of origins issues pertaining to things like alcoholism, abuse or parental issues affecting your life, to how we think of money and wealth overall. The book was written in a clear and concise manner, making each point easy to absorb and follow and a reflection of the subject matter overall. If you are looking to better manage your time, analyze the problems hampering your time management or just looking to improve your daily life, then pick up your copy of Sundardas D Annamalay’s Life by Design: Mastering Energy, Money and Leverage in 9 Simple Steps today!