Title: Loukas and the Game of Chance
Author: Anthony L. Manna
Publisher: Mascot Books
ISBN: 978-1937985530
Pages: 78
Genre: Children’s Greek & Roman Books / Children’s Fantasy & Magic Books
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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A great thing about history and culture is that no matter how much time has passed, life lessons never lose their power or influence on the young. Fables and ancient myths which have withstood the test of time have continued to have an impact on families and children, especially when these stories impart a particular lesson on a part of life that could impact who they will become in the future.

This attention to detail and the ancient legends of different cultures comes into play heavily in author Anthony L. Manna’s Loukas and the Game of Chance. The story follows Loukas, at first a young boy whose music entrances and befriends a snake that brings good fortune to him and his family. Later in life, a game of chance fuels his pride and greed to a breaking point, and in order to save the family he lost, he must go on a perilous journey to find Destiny and her two children, Ilion the Sun and Luna the Moon, in order to ask these celestial beings for their guidance on how to undo the damage he has wrought.

Based upon a couple of different Greek myths and legends, the author remarkably finds a way to honor those ancient stories and the culture behind them while still breathing fresh life into this particular tale. Immediately the imagery in the author’s writing style and the almost lyrical nature of particular passages not only capture the Greek setting and history, but harness the essence of old fables told within families for generations. The fast pacing never limits the detail and engaging nature of the evolution of Loukas as a protagonist, and the theme of the hero’s journey invites the reader further and further into the fantastic world building the author has brought to life on these pages.

A great exploration of the ancient Greek world in this novel will resonate with fans of both children’s books and folk tales, especially those with an interest in Greek mythology, action & adventure children’s stories, and fairy tales overall. The way the author plays on the concept of greed and pride within the hearts of men, and the power of kindness and selflessness can have on the story elements cutting through those negative aspects, really elevated the overall story  It helped tell a story of the human condition and how resilient mankind can be in the face of adversity once they find the courage to face their own flaws and accept them. If powerful children’s stories infused with Greek mythology and culture and a positive message is a draw to readers, then they should grab their copy of this wonderfully written novel today.

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