Title: Lucius: A Soldier’s Journey
Author: Rev. Michael H. Lavery
Publisher: Christian Faith
ISBN: 978-1685170783
Pages: 380
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

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Lucius: A Soldier’s Journey is a well-written and perfectly delivered masterpiece highlighting man’s strengths and weaknesses. In the book, Rev. Michael H. Lavery shares with his readers how far the world has come, the impact of civilization, cultural refinement, and societal issues which have existed since time immemorial. Rev. Michael H. Lavery uses ancient Rome as a setting to point out humanity’s advancement, as he enlightens the reader on some vices that have refused to die even with the progress in the modern world. Lucius: A Soldier’s Journey is not just an entertaining historical fiction book but a wealth of knowledge and lessons every avid reader should get their hands on.

Lucius is a fine gentleman. He is strong, shrewd in his decision-making and has had a strong foundation since his tender years, thanks to his father. The strong influence of his father gives him an unambiguous standpoint on numerous subjects, unlike his peers. As a soldier, Lucious understands the significance of winning battles. You will never catch him slackening; instead, Lucius uses his time and potency wisely. I enjoyed reading about this character not just because of his positive attributes but also because of the elements around him. Unlike his equivalents, Lucius’ home had paid servants and not enslaved people. Lucius also had an astute father who seeded discernment and knowledge in him. His family was distinct from others, shaping the soldier he grew to be. Coming from a military background made Lucius a unique character. He had seen and witnessed the effects of war on family dynamics and was proud to continue in the lineage. Lucius is easily likeable and a character that you get to be invested in from the start.

Antonicus is another favorite character that is hard to miss. Despite not having had enough time with his boy, Antonicus did all he could to mentor and infuse wisdom in Lucius. The man died in battle, but the few years he spent with Lucius were enough to guide Lucius for the rest of his life. I like how Antonicus is portrayed in the book. He is one of those characters, despite not being alive during most of the narration, still has a mark on the story.

Lucius: A Soldier’s Journey would not be the exciting book that it was without Antonicus. I enjoyed the bits of Antonicus that Rev. Michael H. Lavery included in the book. Without this man, a piece of the story would be missing. Antonicus is especially important when later in the book, Lucius is reassigned; his father’s impact is felt in how he deals with various situations.

Lucius: A Soldier’s Journey is amusing and gripping. Every chapter presents a new tale, a new dilemma, and a new lesson. Characters like Chloe, Liceanius, and Mark were also interesting to follow; There are multiple themes displayed in the book. The first is father-son relationships and their importance in a child’s development is the main theme. Other themes include wars, family, betrayal, love, slavery, authority, and loyalty. Readers get enjoy a good story while learning the good and bad that society had normalized.

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