Title: Miss Ladybug Learns a Lesson
Author: Tracy L. Callaway
Illustrated by: Mary Woodard & Kodi Galvan
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1504911436
Pages: 22
Genre: Children’s Book
Reviewer: Beth Adams

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Pacific Book Review

Author Tracy L. Callaway has created a short but powerful message in her children’s book titled, Miss Ladybug Learns a Lesson, which teaches all readers a lesson about imminent danger is always out there, and sometimes the worse situation just may come true.

In this short story, Miss Ladybug has a bunch of babies being nurtured in their home.  One day, while the babies are sleeping, Miss Ladybug flies off to explore the area.  She ventures over and meets Robbie Raccoon in the process of cleaning fish, and Robbie says to her, “Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home, your house is on fire and your children are all alone.” This puts fear into her mind and she immediately returns home to her nest, only to see her babies still napping safely.  The next day the same scenario occurs, although this time Miss Ladybug meets Randy Rabbit.  Randy also says the same warning, causing once again for her to immediately fly home to her nest to check on her babies.  All is fine at home, just as it was previously.  However the third day, as Miss Ladybug explores in the opposite direction and she comes across Bobby Beaver in the process of building a dam, Bobby says to her, ”Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home, your house is on fire and your children are all alone.”  She wasn’t going to fall for this prank again, so she ignored the warning.  After Bobby told her he could smell smoke in the air, Miss Ladybug once again rushed home and this time there was a fire nearby and her nest was in danger!  Saving her babies from this disaster brings the story to an end, but opens up a reference for a parent or adult to discuss this situation with their youngster after reading this tale together.

Just as the famous children’s story of Chicken Little’s warning “The sky is falling,” so does the ominous foreshadowing of a danger to Miss Ladybug’s babies. The babies, being left alone at home at risk yet Miss Ladybug being warned both falsely and truly about a fire danger, proves a point which is – it is never a good idea to leave babies alone at home, unattended. Is the desire of being curious and wandering off to explore, leaving one’s nest vulnerable to a myriad of disasters, worth the risk?  With age comes wisdom, and mitigating risk is one of the highest forms of taking responsibility.

Miss Ladybug Learns a Lesson teaches all readers a lesson of responsibility and maturity, plus the instinctual instinct of protecting one’s offspring – whether a ladybug of a human mom – the risk of danger is ever prevalent and should not be taken lightly – no matter how many false alarms are thwarted.   The pace of the narrative, the rhyming warning, along with the classical 3 times hearing this warning with only one time being true, shows all a powerful message of caring, love, and responsibility.

This is a quick story which will form a lingering thought process in children’s minds, enabling them to apply this behavior to many situations as they grow older, and also explain to them why their parents are always with them.  Miss Ladybug certainly has learned her lesson and won’t go venturing off leaving her babies alone any longer.

Miss Ladybug Learns a Lesson is a delightful read that is both entertaining and educational. It serves as a great tool for parents and educators to teach children about the value of learning from experiences, the importance of kindness, and the beauty of friendship.

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