Title: Mossy: A Whimsical Tale for Children of All Ages “Whsst Tsu Whsst Whsst Tsu”
Author: BetteLou Tobin
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-43436-927-7
Pages: 84
Genre: Children’s Fantasy
Reviewed by: Jennifer Weiss
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Mossy is a fun little tale about Mossy, a small tree that can uproot itself to run around with children on a camping trip. Even though Mossy doesn’t have ears, eyes, mouth or a nose, he is knowledgeable about his surroundings. Mossy and other moss fairies become interested in the children and uproot themselves to meet them. Mossy and the children end up experiencing a wild adventure where despite his size, Mossy becomes a special hero. The children in turn learn what it means to discover something special and the responsibility of taking care of something.
Tobin writes a cute little tale that will captivate its young audience. Throughout the story are illustrations that appear to be colored with a crayon. This adds a childlike quality to the story that children would be able to relate to, as if they could imagine coloring the images in the book themselves. The images help bring out the humor and innocence of the story. Tobin does a great job writing a story that will leave children begging to hear the tale once more and even want more stories about Mossy and the moss fairies. This is a story that engages the readers and gets them interested in the characters. The children in the book are easy for young kids to be able to relate to and see themselves within. The different scenarios the children and Mossy get into are humorous and have the qualities that make children smile. Tobin has a gift for weaving a fantastical tale. Part of me wishes this book was available when I was younger as it would have been an instant favorite.
It is a story for all ages as the wording is simple for children to understand whether they are being read to, or reading the story themselves. There aren’t any words or concepts that are involved that children wouldn’t understand. The story is consistent throughout the short novel and does not shift focus randomly. It keeps a steady easy pace making it easy for children to follow along and read themselves. Mossy makes for a wonderful book for children to begin their reading addiction. Mossy has the makings to become a classic childhood book; one that the children will remember well into their adulthood. BetteLou Tobin’s short novel is the perfect addition to a child’s library.