Title: Multiple Choice Questions In Clinical Radiology – For Medical Practitioners and Medical Students
Author: Dr. Mohannad Salih Mahmud
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-51444-380-4
Pages: 360
Genre: Study Guide, Medical
Reviewed by: Dr. Peter Vanderbilt
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Dr. Mohannad Salih Mahmud is credentialed with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degrees (M.B.ChB), a Diploma in Medical Radio Diagnosis (DMRD) in London, and a FRCR (Royal College of Radiologists). In the UK, the FRCR consists of three parts: FRCR part 1: physics and anatomy; FRCR part 2a: specialty-specific module examinations; FRCR part 2b: long cases, rapid-reporting and viva examinations.
In his work titled Multiple Choice Questions in Clinical Radiology – For Medical Practitioners and Medical Students, Dr. Mahmud exemplifies his understanding by having composed one thousand questions designed to test the acumen of the various subject matters. Each question is detailed to enable a student preparing for certification to rehearse for the exam, as well as by reading and working through the questions and answers, gain an in-depth, detailed understanding of the use cases for the various radiology techniques and interpretations. Furthermore, he provides full descriptions to the “what and why” of the correct answers, thus enabling students and practitioners of the medical science to enrich their understanding. Not only is this work intended to be preparatory for certification, but also a refresher for those already practicing. Written in the vernacular of the profession, this workbook of multiple choice questions (MCQ) and answers is designed for the specific knowledge base of this niche of the medical profession, while focused on the use of radiology for multiple disease diagnosing.
The uses or radiology are broken into the categories of: Chest and Breast; Cardiovascular System; Genitourinary and Retroperitoneal System; Gastrointestinal System; Neuro, skull, brain, and facial bones; and Musculoskeletal System. Each section specifically addresses diseases common in those parts of the body as well as a holistic approach for full body health. Comprehension of the material laden within these MCQs establish a medical foundation enabling swift and accurate action for the treatment of scores of afflictions.
Dr. Mohannad Salih Mahmud’s book is a must read for students entering the medical field, as well as an excellent study guide and most certainly a valuable asset for any and all medical libraries. Multiple Choice Questions In Clinical Radiology is effective for self- studying, as one can assess their own levels of knowledge in each of the specific areas enabling themselves to determine areas which may require ancillary reading. An overall high score once completing these MCQs will result in more confidence and precise diagnostic determinations for medical professionals; both within the radiology science and those needing to also understand the significance of the physics of how radiology is used in modern medicine.