Title: Nap Time Paintings
Subtitle: Thoughts on Motherhood through the Eyes of an Artist
Author: Jennifer Hynes
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 978-1-5434-5559-5
Genre: Non-Fiction, Autobiographical, Art
Pages: 84
Reviewed by: Beth Adams

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Pacific Book Review Star
Awarded to Books of Excellent Merit

I felt an instant connection with author and artist Jennifer Hynes due to her candor, humility and unique writing style upon reading her book, Nap Time Paintings. Being totally intrigued by her cover art, thinking to myself; is that a photograph of an overstuffed book of paintings or a trick of the eyes technique called Trompe-l’œil? So began my journey into her book and thus the lives of Jennifer, her husband Alan and their infant children Jack and Fiona became a world unto itself; in a familiar area of Northern California – as I too lived in Marin County for many years. Yes, Jennifer has truly rooted herself in the area, filled with many birds of her feather – overly creative people of the region; with paint pumping through her blood vessels, wonderful insights flowing through her mind and having a remarkable love of her children beating in her heart – she fits right in.

In Nap Time Paintings she finds herself immersed into motherhood, experiencing the joys of shopping at a Target store but mostly enjoying the serenity of a beach. Her writing is through the eyes of an artist, meaning each noun is preceded by an adjective of extraordinary insight of color or emotion, weaving a tapestry of description into every sentence – bringing a musing into the genre of poetry. Rather analogues to journal entries into a personal diary, or in her case her Internet blog, her observations and feelings are brought to readers with unabashed honesty.

As for her art, I must say to me it expressed her deepest feelings. When words aren’t sufficient to reveal her feelings, she takes to her art which is characterized as an abstract of colors, brush stokes, background overlays and drips. When paired with her events of a day, such as a picnic at a beach, one can see serenity – or paired with cleaning up a child’s vomit in a store it shows bold blocks of dark colors – so in a way becoming a beacon for her mind to project raw emotions. A few of her pieces, knowing what readers are told, revealed to me quite a sense of humor, such as in her portraits.

Life is challenging. Hardships needed to be overcome, but witnessing Jennifer’s rewards – such as a hug from her children and support from her husband, readers learn with fortitude and clarity, the path ahead is revealed as we go down the road. Like her walk downhill on the path at Tennessee Valley on the way to a pristine ocean beach cove, knowing the return will be uphill but the happiness at the end justifies all of the effort, her book Nap Time Paintings justifies all of her work. It is a remarkable collage of art, words and love; a dedication to all those who know Jennifer Hynes as well as a welcome to those still yet to meet. I highly recommend this as a gift to friends, especially mothers-to-be as it humanizes the maternal sacrifices in a very unique and joyful way.