Title: New Concept: Within Silence…Finding Your Power and Purpose
Author: MindScope Seven
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 9798886228038
Pages: 274
Genre: Self-Help, Christian
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda
Pacific Book Review
New Concept: Within Silence…Finding Your Power and Purpose by MindScope Seven is a robust and transformative tool that seeks to answer difficult life queries for individuals who have at one time felt inadequate, doubtful, and confused regarding their God-given purpose and intent for living.
The author brilliantly narrates the life of Beatrix, a friend whose heartwarming life story ticks all boxes for the ideal ‘Grass to Grace’ encounter. According to previous research, the rate at which “diseases of despair” have soared in the last few years continues to rise. Sadly, these unfortunate occurrences have been founded on suicidal thoughts, self-hatred, bad decisions and deceptive living.
The author has articulately mentioned through Beatrix’s experience how these horrible occurrences can be avoided, through practical approaches that lead to a better and fulfilled life. One will not fail to be challenged by the relentless pursuit for change Beatrix had. Her accomplishments are the perfect example of focus, determination and passion to see life transformed instead of wallowing in emotions and regrets.
Readers will also find the author’s insight on the significance of making personal sacrifices very admirable and adoptable, especially in the detailed concept of ridding off crippling negativities such as copying someone else’s lifestyle. Her firm belief on God’s available help has been propped by pertinent scriptures and expository that again stamp this book as a solid Christian guide and a necessary companion when fighting battles of life.
This prudent read also tackles the issue of behavioral and personality analysis, a prerequisite element in personal development and growth. As is commonly said, the power of association means the people around you have an influence, and being able to identify such characteristics goes a long way in helping cut negativity while building on positivity.
It’s always exciting to find a Christian book that gives step-by-step guidance and instruction on how to attain a different lifestyle from a relatable and personal approach, and Concept: Within Silence…Finding Your Power and Purpose is that tome. It is a much-recommended read that stirs up hope and faith for all people, especially those hanging off from traumas and curtailed potentials, brought about by painful upbringings, experiences, and backgrounds.