Title: Once Upon A Time, Human Rights
Author: Liliane Masengo Mwamba Kabamba
Publisher: Authors’ Tranquility Press
ISBN: 978-1958554098
Pages: 50
Genre: Non-fiction / Law / Reference/ Social Sciences
Reviewer: Lily Amanda

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Once Upon A Time, Human Rights, is a significant resource with profound insights which has been written by Liliane Masengo Mwamba Kabamba, a lawyer by training and a human rights defender with a keen interest in teaching human rights to kids at an early age.

Kabamba, who was born in the Congo, a nation that has seen unspeakable horrors for several years and where human life has suffered, is suffering, and is still regressing on all fronts, raises grave concerns about everyone to assert their right to democracy and life. Drawing on historical evidence, she explains how Cyrus the Great’s conquest of Iraq contributed to the abolition of slavery. This move allowed slaves to pick their religion and employment regardless of their country of origin, a step that Greece, India, and Rome quickly embraced. International accords and a coalition of European nations would be established to prioritize human rights.

She adds that some governments created the United Nations in the years following World War II to confirm the equal rights and self-determination of all peoples. Kabamba encapsulates the rights outlined in the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in this book. They include equitable human treatment, the right to life, the right to marriage and family, the right to privacy, and freedom of movement among others.

The author of this book uses the opportunity to remind the readers everyone has the responsibility to protect one another’s human rights, and no one has the power to deny anyone theirs. Her work is persuasively written, revealing a strong perspective by delicately addressing the most important facet of human freedom and independence. Her approach is well-crafted to provide readers with a prompt response to the issues of discussion or argument about their rights.

I found Once Upon A Time, Human Rights worth reading and not monotonous at all.  Everyone needs to be aware of their human rights so they may dispute them if they are violated. This book will serve as a useful guide to assist them in doing so. It contains critical information, which I feel will significantly boost the image and discourse around human rights. It also paints a realistic image of the hardships that human rights advocates confront daily, making one respect their position. This book is a must-read and a valuable addition to any liberty-loving person’s library worldwide.


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