Title: One Can See Differently by E. C.
Author: Eugene St Martin Jr.
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-5320-6146-2
Genre: Spiritual / Poetry
Pages: 66
Reviewed by: Beth Adams

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Pacific Book Review

One Can See Differently is a book separated into three parts. The first chapter tells of the refurbishment of a tennis court, being modified to host a wheelchair tennis tournament at a YMCA. The work of the groundskeeper, humble in his servitude to the Lord, is reflected in scriptures, poems, observations and realizations about how important humility is in working any task. The Lord has given us so much in so many ways, that the author simply known as E.C. is a conduit of repeating the messages of so many others who are infused with the Holy Spirit.

His second chapter is a compilation of poetry and verse, some original but the quotations of the Bible along with the countless contributions of others makes this a pensive chapter. With a diagram of a hole within a whole instills an impression on readers to view themselves in their entirety which includes their spiritual; mental; physical; and social quadrants. E.C. quotes from the book of St. George and the Dragon and the Quest of the Holy Grail how the victor of holding a sword to the throat of a dragon, but not harming the beast, is a pinnacle of fortitude and power. Many of E.C.’s priests and spiritual influencers are quoted in this segment, each in their own written voices; each with their own messages and observations.

The third segment is a display of a score of black-and-white photographs taken in serene settings. To this reviewer it shows the places E.C. would sit and meditate, praising God in his glory, and where he composed and compiled much of this book. It makes for a peaceful time as one pages the photographs; slowing down in their daily life and enjoy the little things, so to speak.

Together, with the story of the groundskeeper to the YMCA and the revitalization of a tennis court, to the dozens of short poems and verses to dwell in the vast beauty of faith, and finally being treated to some visual iconic images, One Can See Differently becomes the genre of a book which is fundamentally a companion for a reader to take along, opening it at moments when wanting to retreat into the spiritual love and appreciation of God’s amazement. The book is a timely segment of E.C.’s life, as it was written all within 2018. It is a book to be read over-and-over many times, giving the readers a sense of being together with other people of similar beliefs, all with humble gratitude for the life given to us.

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