Title: One Shining Soul
Author: Wayne L. Wilson
Publisher: Book Baby
ISBN: 9798350961263
Pages: 450
Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Magical Realism
Reviewed by: Ephantus M.

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Pacific Book Review

In Wayne L. Wilson’s One Shining Soul, we follow a young woman who possesses exceptional spiritual healing talents and an unquenchable desire to see people live in harmony with one another. She easily gains notoriety and fame, but when her blood brother gives in to greed, she finds herself in grave danger.

On July 4th, a young woman called Olisa gets caught up in a fatal confrontation between Latino and Black gangs in Venice Beach. To everyone’s shock, she yells at the two groups to put an end to the mayhem. She then places her hand on the seriously injured body of the most notorious Westside gang leader. His cuts mysteriously heal, bringing him and others to tears and leading him to kneel in front of Olisa.

Olisa is referred to as Venice’s best-kept secret by a journalist who observes her doing the cure. The locals laud her as “The Good Witch of Venice,” and the mayor of Los Angeles begins organizing a celebration to honor her bravery. Furthermore, complete strangers begin opening up to her like they’ve known her all their lives. She also begins to get pressure from every local news and talk program to give an interview with them first. It does not take long, though, for a close relative to convince her to launch a company selling goods emblazoned with her image.

The highs and lows of a young heroine – who is regarded by her parents as a gift from heaven – are meticulously documented in this account. Her exceptional ability to question established practices and church policies, as well as her propensity to become uncomfortable around attention, make her an amazing role model to follow. Moreover, it is impressive to witness her support for elevating the status of marginalized community workers, such as those employed to work in the trenches.

One Shining Soul is a narrative with a genuinely surprising and emotional finish. It leaves behind a lingering sense of sacrifice, love, and a desire to see others thrive. It also provides a thought-provoking and inspirational perspective on family dynamics and the need for defining one’s purpose and pursuing it even in the face of adversity. Strongly recommended for people who value spiritual gifts, calling, and inward spiritual progress.

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