Title: Ourman: Book 1
Author: Gilgamesh Uth
Publisher: Gilgamesh Uth
ISBN: 979-8201157418
Pages: 312
Genre: Literature & Fiction/Genre Fiction
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

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The study of the hero’s journey has been a theme which has withstood the test of time. Throughout human history and in various cultures, the emergence of a hero or legend within various mythologies and belief systems has helped shape our understanding of the world around us. From the ancient Greeks and heroes like Heracles to legends like Robin Hood and King Arthur, Mulan, and so many other figures within our history both fictional and real, the concept of a hero and what they mean to us relies heavily on the concept of hope.

In author Gilgamesh Uth’s Ourman: Book 1, the author explores the hero’s journey in a mind-bending way. The book is a metaphysical, genre fiction read that explores the story of Ourman, a man who along with his wife wake up in a forest on Earth with no memories of their previous life. After spending time acclimating to their new reality and finding their place among humanity, a series of events takes them to a shocking new world, where the mysteries behind their identities and their past threaten to consume them.

The author does an excellent job of completely flipping the narrative of the hero on its head in this novel. The abstract way the author tells the story was quite compelling, as the use of various narrators and the way each chapter and “volumes” was broken up within the context of the story, keeps the reader invested in the growing world around the protagonist. The mythos and world-building the author does in this book was both creative and inspiring all at once, and made great use of imagery in the author’s writing to bring the worlds, the gate and the characters introduced to life vividly.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy fables, legends, myths, and metaphysical fiction novels. The book also speaks to the greater themes of the hero’s journey, the role of leaders in society, and how change and inspiration can lead to the road less traveled, yet the road we need the most. The way the author hones in not only on Ourman as a hero, but as a person underneath the heroic persona he takes on, especially in regards to the relationships he forms and his connection to the world around him, made this such a unique reading experience.

Thought-provoking, engaging, and mesmerizing in its delivery, author Gilgamesh Uth’s Ourman: Book 1 is a must-read genre fiction and metaphysical fiction novel. The story reads almost like a modern-day Epic with a more memorable form of storytelling that is deeply rooted in culture and myth unlike any other story before it. The twists and turns in the narrative, as well as the welcoming chaotic road the story takes readers and the protagonist on and the cliffhanger ending that leaves the Ourman’s story open for more volumes, will keep readers glued to the pages of this book well after the final word is read.

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