Title: Prepare Yourself For A Wonderful Life-Changing Experience
Author: Richard Franza
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 987-1-9845-7391-9
Genre: Non-Fiction /
Pages: 122
Reviewed by: Suzanne Gattis
Pacific Book Review
Richard Franza’s Prepare Yourself For A Wonderful Life-Changing Experience follows the author’s journey in overcoming many hardships and finding peace and his natural self by following several self-help techniques. It is the story of one man’s quest, one that he shares in hopes of helping other people.
At no point in the book does Franza profess to be an expert. This is a writing that documents his thoughts and the techniques he follows. The author has a very humble approach in not guaranteeing that his techniques will work for everyone, but he expresses a strong desire that it might help some. The author bares all about his life and how he ended up in a position where he needed a wonderful life-changing event. While I appreciated what he went through, this book was about his journey and experience; I would have liked to see a little more expert advice in the chapters. For example, quotes throughout the book are attributed to the author but might have had more of an impact if they were from more well-known spiritual leaders.
About halfway through the book, the techniques are introduced. Many of the techniques are ones that I have heard of before and I can see being beneficial to the user. With the number of times it is recommended to follow these techniques, I would like to have seen more than one chapter covering them. The book seems a little bit rushed towards the end. The author writes in a very connected, conversational way which makes the book an easy read. However, there are some grammatical issues scattered throughout that this former English teacher struggled with.
I think it is admirable for the author to open up and share his story and his techniques. I believe those searching for these types of answers could find great meaning in this book concerning spiritually, which the author clearly distinguishes from religion. I recommend this book to everyone for its inspirational nature. Determination, perseverance and survival are some of the inspirational aspects that will impact the reader. The reader will be encouraged to never give up on anything they are trying to accomplish and at the same time to never doubt or lose faith in their own spiritual journey.