Title: Privilege Meets Politics
Author: Honor Mamath
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1796091939
Pages: 114
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Aly Avina

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The classist society we live in dictates how we function in our country, each nation differing from the last in how they operate and deal with the privileged versus those in poverty. In Privilege Meets Politics by author Honor Mamath, we explore a fictional political drama that shows what life was like in the late 1800s in Canada. This was a crucial time for those living in this newer nation, with the people dealing with a flawed and stalled system. They all were hoping for growth and change, preferably as soon as possible to make their lives just a little bit easier. That is where we start this story.

Enter Charles Stanley, a newly appointed diplomat who travels to Canada to work side by side with the politicians there. Charles is very privileged himself — he is the son of a Lord, after all — and is the opposite of a risk-taker. Even when it comes to the woman he is head over heels in love with and is expected to become engaged to, he is fearful of making that commitment to her once and for all. So, when this country must rely on him to take chances and fix this broken system, we begin to see just what Charles plans to do, or not do, in a situation as serious as this.

He faces the ultimate test when he is approached by the Canadian conservative party to make an unethical decision that would affect everyone. The question becomes will he go along with this immoral action and become corrupt himself? Or will he finally take a chance and stand up for what is right, regardless of what the consequences may be? This book has an incredible way of telling an intriguing and detailed story while keeping the readers’ attention with the importance of the events taking place throughout the story.

Furthermore, the author has a natural talent for bringing their audience to a time they’ve never known and transporting them to this era and country seamlessly with the story unfolding before their eyes. Suddenly, we’re in the 19th-century in Canada witnessing the political intrigue during this time full of turmoil. It is a story readers will not want to put down until they get to the bottom of it themselves. I highly recommend Privilege Meets Politics by Honor Mamath for those who enjoy historical dramas, fictional historical dramas, in particular.

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