Title: Ranger’s Sojourn
Author: Ulysses Namon
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 978-1-6698-1072-8
Pages: 206
Genre: Science Fiction
Reviewed by: Margie Przybylski

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Ulysses Namon’s science fiction adventure Ranger’s Sojourn follows the life and career of a female space ranger Tomi. Not only is the book incredibly well written and action packed, Toni’s character makes Ranger’s Sojourn a modernized, feminized, science fiction drama which mirrors the plight of so many women itching to break into male-dominated fields today.

Tomi spends much of her life frustrated at the way adults treat her, making this book universally appealing to teenagers and adults alike. Her character is incredibly likeable, and brought forth feelings of nostalgia and solidarity when I read it.  My fondness for Tomi grew as I continued reading and I learned a great deal not only about relating to teenagers but also about myself.

This book is definitely a must-read for any fan of science fiction, however the relatability of the characters makes it appealing to all readers of drama and fiction. The story line is riveting and the writing is immaculate. Ulysses Namon brings the reader right into action starting right from the first chapter – Tomi embarks on a mission to rescue prisoners in outer space. The dynamics between Tomi and the other members of the crew are interesting, and fuel the fiery aspects of her personality and the storyline.

Woven between the action are tales of Toni’s past, her childhood and upbringing, her training, and finally her life and work as a ranger. She faces the same problems throughout her life, her view of authority does not change though she grows into her role as a ranger and is able to hold her own. Tomi is an inspiring character to young men and women alike, as the author serves an important character element in casting her in the way this book has. She is striking and strong as well as quick witted.  As a heroine, she carries the story incredibly well, it is very easy for the reader to side with her, especially from the start of the novel.

This is one of the most interesting science fiction pieces I have read. While Tomi is easily the best part of the book, the science fiction details are fun and thoughtfully executed. While science fiction may not every readers’ cup of tea, Ranger’s Sojourn is universally appealing to a wide audience of readers – both young and old. Namon’s writing makes outer space seem attainable and realistic in the near future, while his characters remind society that we have quite a way to go in leveling the playing field for women in a variety of career paths.


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