Title: Remembrances: A Written and Illustrated Coloring Book for Adults
Author: Leah Palm
Illustrator: James Schoppe
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781514454244
Pages: 50
Genre: Coloring Book / Humor / Topic / Animals
Reviewed by: Beth Adams
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Pacific Book Review
With a love of animals akin to St. Francis of Assisi, author and creator Leah Palm has assembled scores of memories of people’s childhood for sharing, along with pen & ink outline drawings which are intended to be colored filled, in her book titled Remembrances – A Written and Illustrated Coloring Book for Adults.
Realizing the philosophical aspects of aging in life, Leah Palm has taken moments from contributions of others, mostly childhood, and artfully tells the tales of these memorable moments. Each remembrance is accompanied by a pen and ink drawing suitable for coloring. The stories include a host of animals, such as a tortious, a cat, some friendly ducks along with her loving memories of riding a bicycle and the warmth of family togetherness. As one learns by the forward, Leah Palm is finding solace in her taking time to paint, albeit mostly using a paint-by-number canvases. Understanding how indeed others can also enjoy such relaxation, she had illustrator James Schoppe create pages of her past moments to be shared, and colored in. Assembling a terse paragraph or two for each of the drawings, makes this book into snapshots of people’s past; candidly open for all to witness and enjoy which may spark your own memories. The stories are adorable, showing the enjoyments of life’s simpler things. Like riding a Schwinn bike downhill and balancing of the seat.
Altogether it is the love and kindness of animals which inspires most of the drawings. There was Daisy, a cat and of course Wilbur the tortoise, who was found one day crossing a road and became a household pet – not wanting to leave the yard although the gate was open. There was a silver Volkswagen Beetle, when one day a tree fell on it, but miraculously it survived without a scratch. Ducks, fishing and catching an eel, Army deployments and other of her memories and those of others round off the theme of this mature coloring book.
The relaxation aspects of actually coloring in the images is in fact one of the enjoyments of Leah Palm’s days as she is becoming trapped in a failing body, with a mind that endures exemplifying love and kindness to all she meets. Let your imagination frolic in the wild kingdom of animal life, where you will find legions of furry, feathered and scaly creatures awaiting your colorful touch to bring to life!