Title: Rogue Pharma
Authors: Hugh Cameron and Edna Quammie
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 978-1-6698-1580-8
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 209
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares
Pacific Book Review
Sometimes a new twist on an old classic is all it takes to make a story fresh again. Rogue Pharma is a classic tale of conspiracy and assassination set in modern times. If the idea of seedy corporate underbellies and the lengths they could theoretically go to protect their secrets interests you, then you are going to absolutely love this novel. The novel starts strong by introducing you to Femme Fatale Lauren, a reformed, or maybe not so reformed, assassin. The overarching plot covers the conspiracy theory
that big pharma manufactured COVID-19 to sell shots and therapeutics. The novel is full of common real-life conspiracy theories, which lends authenticity to the fictional story. However, more interesting are the sub-plots of the story which delve more into human interactions and the inner turmoil Lauren faces between letting go of a lost love, and being happy in the stable relationship she is currently in.
As you would expect from a book about a hired killer, this story has plenty of action, which builds up to a climactic third act. Both blood and secrets are spilled as assassination attempts abound. Ultimately, Lauren gets pulled in for what she hopes to be her last job while questioning if it will ever be over, while her employer, Qian Choi, is still alive.
Hugh Cameron has an impressive number of published books under his belt, and a handful of them are with Edna Quammie. The two make a good writing team as there is not much criticism for the story’s structure. There is a nice balance between the plot and character building, so the story doesn’t lean too much in any direction. This is the third book in a series, so it helps that there has been some character-building throughout; however, you in no way need to read the first two books to follow along with this one. It definitely feels like there will be many more stories involving Qian Choi and Lauren in the future.
It’s not often that a story explores a dystopian present, but that is exactly what you get from Rogue Pharma. The story dares to ask what would happen if today’s most prominent conspiracy theories were true while simultaneously delivering a gripping thriller. There may be a niche audience for this story, but that audience will absolutely love Rogue Pharma.