Title: Ruan Lingyu: Her Life and Career
Author: Patrick Galvan
Publisher: Cinemodyssey Press
ISBN: 979-8832237268
Pages: 229
Genre: Movie History / Women’s Biographies / Non-Fiction
Reviewer: Alyssa Avina

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One of the most misconstrued ideas surrounding fame and fortune is those who find themselves in that position live a life of luxury and fun. The idea public figures are living the good life without a care in the world is a concept which has pervaded the public consensus amongst many nations around the world, and has only intensified as the world has grown and technology has evolved. Yet rarely do people take into consideration the ways in which fame can turn a person into an icon to be used by others, or the mental impact being forced into the public eye can have on an individual.

In author Patrick Galvan’s Ruan Lingyu: Her Life and Career, the author explores the life of famed Shanghai film star Ruan Lingyu. The book follows the young actress’s career and rise to stardom, exploring the making of her films and the impact she had on the country as her popularity rose. The book also explores her upbringing, the relationships she had while in the public eye, and the tragic circumstances surrounding her death – and how her image was used to resonate with the issues facing many people in China throughout the country at that time.

The author did a remarkable job of finding the right balance between approaching the subject matter in a sensitive way with a depth of knowledge surrounding the history and culture of that era in China. The intriguing nature of this iconic star’s rise to fame during China’s silent film era and the way her talent and ability to convey such in-depth emotion through the silent films she made was amazing to read come to life on the pages of this book. The detail the author provides throughout each chapter honed in on the emotional journey the actress went through as time went on.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy biographies and memoirs, especially those with a women driven biography, the performing arts, and film history as a whole. The thing which really came through in this book was the emotional depth of the actress’s story, as the book explored the pitfalls and hardships of being in the public eye, especially in the face of tragic relationships being played out for all to see. The political and cultural influence that era and the nation of China had on the actress’s life was also explored extensively, as the author found a great contrast between her life and the life of those living during this period of time.

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