Title: Saving My Ancient Life
Author: Ken Luber
Publisher: Palmetto Publishing
ISBN: 979-8822939486
Pages: 320
Genre: Time Travel Fiction
Reviewed by: Subhrajit Saha

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Imagine going to sleep in the comfort of your room, only to wake up the next morning in a completely unknown place, surrounded by strangers speaking unfamiliar languages, dressed in different clothes, and living in a world that seems utterly foreign. The sheer disorientation and bewilderment would be overwhelming. This is the experience of one of the protagonists in author Ken Luber’s book, Saving My Ancient Life. This science-fiction novel blends multiple genres, including romance, historical fiction, sci-fi, and mystery thriller, creating a rich and immersive narrative which keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

The novel weaves together the lives of three characters from different timelines, each facing their own challenges and destinies. Billy Blackwell, a high school teenager from Cederburgh in the present day, leads a typical life filled with classes, wrestling bouts, and the conveniences of modern technology. However, his world is abruptly turned upside down when he suddenly finds himself in the company of Elspath, aka El, a young girl from 1600s Scotland. Billy is left bewildered and helpless, struggling to comprehend how he arrived in this unfamiliar time and place. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear why Billy’s presence in El’s world is not just a coincidence but a necessity. Together, they embark on a mission to test their courage and reshape their destinies.

Elspath, around Billy’s age, has endured hardships beyond anything Billy could imagine. While he navigates life with the comforts of smartphones and modern gadgets, El bears the burden of caring for her autistic brother, the only person she can rely on. Her life has been marked by tragedy, having witnessed the brutal mistreatment of her family at the hands of Scottish soldiers. El has survived unimaginable horrors, including the murder of her loved ones, sexual assaults, and so on. Despite their vastly different backgrounds, Billy and Elspath are united by a common purpose. Their mission is fraught with danger, and the outcome has the potential to change their lives forever. Jody McDee, a character from the 1800s, mirrors the struggles of Elspath as both face the heart-wrenching loss of loved ones. Driven by a relentless determination, Jody embarks on a perilous journey, risking everything to reclaim someone to whom she is deeply connected.

The dissection of the novel reveals a compelling premise that begins with a captivating story idea. The use of a non-linear storytelling format adds to the intrigue, making the narrative more gripping and engaging. By merging multiple timelines and constantly switching between different tracks, the story maintains a dynamic flow that keeps readers on edge. The shared pain and sorrow experienced by both Jody and Elspath are profoundly heartbreaking, evoking deep empathy from the audience. From the very first chapter, the novel seizes the reader’s attention with shocking revelations, setting the tone for the riveting journey ahead.

The storytelling is enriched by poignant moments, such as the bond between El and Billy, which beautifully captures their adolescence and passionate love. These scenes are well-crafted, providing a tender contrast to the more intense aspects of the narrative. On the other hand, the brothel scenes involving Jody and her multiple heartbreaks highlight the depth of her painful journey. While Jody and Elspath’s experiences lend a serious and heavy tone to the story, Billy’s carefree attitude and his eventual character arc, especially his unwavering care for El, add a refreshing layer to the narrative. This thoughtful character development offers readers a taste of two different horizons. As a whole, if you’re looking for a mind-boggling plot filled with well-crafted characters blended with multiple genres, this novel is a must-read.

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