Title: Secrets of the Heart: Poetry that explains what we are truly feeling
Author: Michael Vincent Dlask
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-4502-3745-1
Pages: 64
Genre: Poetry
Reviewed by: Beth Adams
Pacific Book Review
Set in the foot of the beat genre of poetry, Michael Vincent Dlask has assembled three scores of his work in his collection titled Secrets of the Heart.
His poems take on an air of honesty, candidly revealing Dlask’s inner most feelings and representing himself as to who he really is inside; not becoming swayed by other’s expectations or being politically correct in outward appearance. His poems are presented alphabetically by each having one-word titles. Dlask provides glimpses into his beliefs of the human condition, offering his wisdom and insights into such topics included in his poems: Fear; Hope; Mirror; Luck; Passion; True. Having no classic foot nor rhyme in his prose, each line becomes a continuation of his definition of the poem’s topic, thus emphasizing his thoughtfulness in contemplation. As readers become more accustomed to his style, they are drawn into the way Dlask thinks, feeling the sensitivity and in most cases some sadness discovered deeply rooted ‘between the lines.’ The range of emotions vary, yet all are sober and cognitive of the brevity of life, and the gift we all experience being able to ‘feel’ the Secrets of the Heart.
As with most poetry, Dlask had to become humble, honest and transparent in his writing, revealing himself openly to reach into the depths of his emotional reservoir to bring to the surface his feelings. With many overlapping sentiments, the reader begins to know just who he is evidenced in his writing, thus growing an appreciation for his work. After finishing the book, I began once again, to re- read some of the poems; frankly gaining a better understanding the second time around. I feel grateful for the experiences I had while reading this book, as it often brought people and past events from my life into my mind, a quality in which all good poetry should do.
I would recommend Secrets of the Heart: Poetry that explains what we are truly feeling, for exactly what the title offers. This collection is best to have in the printed media, as it would be more likely to be opened and read often. It is the type of book which can be picked up at various times, for example as a traveling companion or bedside table collection. Dlask has the ability to help us understand what we each feel is common to others, that we are not alone. In fact, coincidentally, Alone is the title of his first poem in the collection.