Title: Sermons with Insight
Author: Roland Zimany, Ph.D.
Publisher: First Edition Design Publishing
ISBN: 978-1622879106
Genre: Christian Non-Fiction
Pages: 266
Reviewed by: Lisa Brown

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Roland Zimany’s Sermons with Insight earnestly illuminates the word of God through a selection of his exceptional sermons, which altogether, provides the spiritually minded with an authoritative body of work which truly is inspirational.

Offering, a Bible centered, spirit-lifting venture from the start, the primary focus of the book includes adeptly delving into the varied aspects of the “church” year, also known as the liturgical year, which divides the year into a series of “seasons” thereby, encompassing the religious elements of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Baptism, Transfiguration, Lent/Easter, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday Easter vigil and Easter, Pentecost, as well as Reformation. Additionally, there is an index of Biblical references included at the end of the book, which is great reference material to further explore and extend the power of the lessons.

Essentially, what makes this work authentic and engaging, is the way each of author Roland Zimany’s homilies flows with the voice of authority, passion for the spiritual, and an engaging level of relatability, demonstrated through his real-life examples, which help to emphasize the meaning of each lesson centered around the fostering of your relationship with Christ. Moreover, while I found each sermon to be equally edifying and soul-stirring, in particular I found “The Bondage of the Will” which presents the tenets of our individual wills being in bondage to sin, which has multiple aspects to it by virtue of our blind spots in life. Additionally, another sermon I found to be especially resonant is “Open to God’s Newness,” which explores letting go of the past, having faith, and being open to the new. Also, I found “The Triune God” to be quite enlightening as it examines the dynamics of one’s relationship with God. And I also enjoyed “Faith for the Best Kind of Life,” which involves a deeper look at maintaining faith in God, which in turn frees you from being self-absorbed instead of enacting God’s will.

Overall, I enjoyed Author Roland Zimany’s work in Sermons with Insight, which wielded not only a lucid, engrossing, well-written and organized collection of applicable spiritual lessons, but also expert Biblical wisdom, which left me with a memorable, inspiring, impression. And furthermore, it was just as good as sitting in a church and listening to the live sermon, as it turned out to be just as influential.  Altogether, this book empowers and edifies – I do highly recommend it for those seeking to maintain a better life through a relationship with God.


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