Title: Sobaka: Finds a Home
Author: Becky Williams
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5246-4464-2
Genre: Juvenile Fiction / Religious / Christian / Animals
Pages: 80
Reviewed by: Beth Adams
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Pacific Book Review
Sobaka translates to “Dog” in Russian. This little puppy was born in Texas to a white Maltese mother named Sassy. She needed to get her eyes opened, her ears and nose working and her dog-brain thinking as her first priorities. She played with her littermates and did everything a puppy would do – mostly simply eating and sleeping. She was born with good dog instincts, as well as an appreciation for God.
Being adopted into a human family she was given the name Corkey. So began her puppy days of learning how to be a dog; not to pee on the carpet, not to bite carpets and furniture, while enjoying the flavors of all sorts of foods. Everything was going along just fine until one day Corkey found herself locked out of the house during a lightning storm. Cold and frightened she was then abandoned for four days afterwards alone in the yard. As a matter of survival, Corkey managed to dig her way out of the yard’s fence by noticing a gap under the gate – squeezing her head then body through the opening. She goes on her adventure living in the city as a stray, eventually winding up in the pound.
Once in captivity, among older dogs bestowing their dog-wisdom upon her, she has a solemn moment as she prays to God that she will finally be adopted by a forever human family and find happiness. I have found this to be a touching part of the book teaching us all the power of prayer. Corkey’s prayers are answered when a nice, grey-haired lady, Ms. Becky, visits the animal shelter and takes her home – to live forever in a loving home. Ms. Becky, not knowing anything about the dog’s past – needing to name the dog – talked with her husband who was at the time working in Russia. That is how they decided to name her Sobaka.
What is unique in Sobaka: Finds a Home is the entire book is written through the eyes and thoughts of a dog. Yes, we are drawn into the world according to the senses and aspirations of a four legged friend, experiencing all which we have come to love about pets from the narration of Sobaka. We learn about how a dog thinks, how it feels when leaving its mother, the fears of the unknown, a trip to the vet, being sick and the joys of “working” – being a watchdog.
The voice of Sobaka makes for an imaginative story to read to youngsters – even having them pick up the book on their own, and certainly is easily believed as being credible with the thoughts and sensations of a K-9 life among humans. A book which no doubt was formed by the true story of the author with her dog, Becky Williams warms the hearts of pet lovers everywhere with her fun-filled adventures frolicking with the furry friends humans hold most dear in our hearts – and visa versa. Dog lovers will love reading and relating to this story. I think this book will make a wonderful gift for all dog lovers.