Title: Something Must Be Broken
Author: Priscilla Bradford
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 979-8-88963-877-3
Pages: 70
Genre: Spiritual / Religion / Self Help
Reviewed by: Manik Chaturmutha

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Something Must Be Broken by author Priscilla Bradford is a book which makes you think deeply about religion – especially Christianity. In this intriguing novel, Bradford embarks on the journey of understanding Christianity more personally and intimately, as she attempts to discern what it truly means to follow God.

In this book, Bradford tries to deconstruct and present the Christian faith through a lens which aligns with today’s prevalent “institutionalized” version of religion. The book’s title, ‘Something Must Be Broken,’ is explained right at the start. It’s about how religion can be inconsistent and limited. The author believes religion often divides and controls people, keeping them from truly connecting with God. On the contrary, spirituality is described as ‘nothing broken’ and is a continuous, consistent, and personal connection between God and man. The author systematically attempts to break down the known conventions about the Christian faith and makes a clear distinction between religion and spirituality – terms which, she believes, are used interchangeably. She encourages readers to look beyond the bounds of religion to understand faith.

The points Bradford highlighted are thought-provoking and really make us rethink our understanding of religion. The book’s writing style is honest and straightforward. The language used in the book flows naturally, making it easier to understand her ideas. There are a lot of philosophical undertones, which are insightful and give the text an aesthetical touch. Bradford makes her language personal by sharing stories and experiences that influenced her thinking. This is important because it helps us understand her point of view. This writing style also makes her work impactful and influential. However, her ideas could have an even greater impact if they weren’t so closely linked to one specific religion. The book mainly explores spirituality and the search for a personal connection with God from within oneself. These ideas could stand on their own without being tied to a particular religion, which might cause confusion or disagreements.

Nevertheless, Bradford presents some profoundly thought-provoking statements. For example, her idea that people can have different perceptions of God is accurate. She also emphasizes our understanding of God is shaped by what we read, the people we meet, and our life experiences. Her belief that God is present in everything we do encourages readers to appreciate even the most minor actions and things in life. Her insights have deepened my appreciation for the world around me. Additionally, Bradford shines a light on the harsh institutionalization of religion, which has become a serious issue today. People’s mis-interpretations of religious teachings have often led to more harm than good.

Overall, Bradford makes excellent points about the importance of oneself and understanding the world through the eyes of the self rather than the eyes of the world around them. Something Must Be Broken is ideal for people yearning to discover themselves and desire a spiritual outlook. I recommend this book to readers interested in self-help and spiritual genres.

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