Title: Spiritual Reality: Transforming the Ordinary into the Extraordinary
Author: Lydia Anne Mitchell Ph.D.
Publisher: Balboa Press
ISBN: 9781694404688
Pages: 164
Genre: Spiritualism
Reviewed by: Rae C. Bernard
Pacific Book Review
Understanding that nothing in life is offered to anyone, we must strive to receive whatever it is we want. The level of effort and physical actions are what we use as proof to measure our commitment to success. Society is running by the emotion of the people, although many don’t realize it. It takes more than the physical plane to accomplish the wildest dreams and thoughts of any individual. Who would have thought that the spiritual world would go hand in hand with our current physical reality?
In Spiritual Reality: Transforming the Ordinary into the Extraordinary, author Lydia A. Mitchell, Ph.D. offers a view behind the scenes into the true workings of the world. Every human being has made agreements from the moment their soul provided life in their bodies, to both animate and inanimate objects, is a concept many haven’t heard of. This demonstrates that we are capable of so much more than what life currently offers us. Touching on the Hawaiian forgiveness ceremony, “Ho’o pono pono,” encourages everyone to think beyond the physical world and embrace the spiritual idea that love and forgiveness are powerful. Anyone who suffers from complications and downs in life would be appreciative to grasp on to this theory and turn it into a lifestyle for better experiences in life. The goal is to help everyone understand is we are all connected on a spiritual level and whatever we think or pray adds to the metaphorical pool of emotion that is released into the world as a whole. The author mentioned the connection between the media and its belief in the influence they have over the viewer’s emotions, which would allow them to alter their viewer’s thoughts to feed their agenda. It’s a benefit for them and a loss to the members of society as it would affect what is set to occur in their daily lives.
This book reminds everyone reading that we are gifted automatically with natural abilities to be considered “superhuman,” but our society has placed us in isolation and conditioned us away from allowing our relationship of physical and spiritual connection to coexist. Our spirit has no restrictions or limitations as to what it can do, if we merge spiritual with our bodies, our bodies can agree to be unlimited to endless possibilities.
Manifestation has been the most popular in today’s world, to the point it can seem trendy to engage in. The true meaning of manifestation is the ability to create your spiritual desires and bring them into the physical realm. With this process, we have to also learn patience and the understanding not to hold too tight onto the concept, but to “set it and forget it” to allow it to happen whenever the timing is right.
An example of the spiritual seeping into physical reality is someone having an illness. The individual refuses to take care of themselves as far as getting proper rest and or eating healthy, to the point the spiritual aspect of your life has to step in to get you to be still, by making your body suffer a sickness. Even something as basic as a cold can get someone to re-evaluate their entire life to ensure once they are well, they will tackle life with a better approach to avoid getting sick again. The ending goal is to inform everyone that the mind, body, and spirits are all one and the same. They work together to achieve whatever reality a person chooses. Yes, there are negative moments as well as positive times in ones’ life, but it was explained that since we are all connected to everything, there is a piece of fault in each of us. Whatever we put out into the universe we will receive consequences or rewards in return, everyone should keep that in mind.
I enjoyed learning more about my spiritual self, in knowing that I too am guilty of not paying enough attention to my connection to it. Something as small as intuition, that gut feeling, has helped me many times in my past. It was all due to my spirit trying to get my attention to possible warnings for dangers or negative energy I shouldn’t be involving myself in. Just like every other person, we can be hard-headed at times, so reminders like those consequences are necessary. The famous saying, “everything happens for a reason” shouldn’t be taken lightly, as it is real and true. I highly recommend this book to everyone to read, as it provides insightful information on what we should all do to better our experience while on Earth.