Title: Stations of the Risen Christ: Resurrection Meditations
Author: Frank Heelan
Publisher: ReadersMagnet LLC
ISBN: 978-1951775148
Pages: 58
Genre: Christian Meditation Worship & Devotion
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

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Pacific Book Review

Finding ways to calm one’s mind and banish negative thoughts and energy in this modern age has become one of mankind’s greatest pursuits over the years. One such way that helps many people has been meditation, the art of calming one’s mind and looking inward. As Hugh Jackman once said, “Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It’s like the ultimate rest. It’s better than the best sleep you’ve ever had. It’s a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.”

In author Frank Heelan’s Stations of the Risen Christ: Resurrection Meditations, the author seeks to inspire people to start praying and meditating whilst looking to the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ, particularly after his resurrection. Upon rising from the dead after being crucified, Jesus appeared to over 500 disciples, and in the process inspired great teachings for Christians through the gospels of John, Luke and Matthew. The author hopes to utilize these teachings and gospels through meditations to help readers gain a better understanding of some of Christianity’s greatest mysteries.

Author Frank Heelan demonstrates a fantastic understanding of the Christian faith and delves deeper into the writings and teachings of the faith through his meditative work. The combination of artwork, verses from the gospels and corresponding mediations for readers to utilize in their prayer work, makes for a truly insightful read. The authors ability to transform the verses of the Bible and give readers a mantra of sorts to not only say and meditate on, but to guide readers to better understand the lessons the verses are trying to impart speaks to a brilliant knowledge and implementation of said knowledge into a very short read.

This is the perfect book for those who are religious, in particular Christians who are looking to expand their knowledge and understanding of the teachings of Christ and those who hope to use religion in a positive way like meditation. The core lessons and meditations found within this novel are things that can help a multitude of people, including lessons on guidance on the path to a better understanding of the world around us.

A positive, educational and fast-paced read, author Frank Heelan’s Stations of the Risen Christ: Resurrection Meditations is a phenomenal read for those readers who utilize a religious background and understanding. A remarkable look into the core teachings of Jesus and the emphasis of the lessons taught after his resurrection, rather than those that came before, highlights the guiding light that his teachings have for so many people in the Christian faith. If you are looking for a religious-based meditation and seek to better understand the lessons of Jesus Christ, be sure to grab your copy of this book today!

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