Title: Summer Skies on the Big Rideau Lake – Breathtaking Vibrant Colors
Author: Chris DeMaria
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781503593428
Pages: 30
Genre: Photography
Reviewed by: Gary Sorkin
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If there is truth to the saying, “A picture is worth 1,000 words,” then DeMaria allows the story to be heard in any language, with each reader becoming an observer to the images captured during the summer months at this pristine Canadian lake, Big Rideau Lake, a popular resort area in Eastern Ontario Canada and a part of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The popular location is close to civilization yet still remote and secluded. DeMaria has collected scores of sunset photographs in which he has assembled in a way to tell a story, undistracted by words, allowing for each reader to open themselves to the colors and vibrancy of this beautifully picturesque area.
The photographs vary in details, however they all represent landscapes of nature. Perhaps in future works DeMaria may consider adding more of a diverse range of subject matter to include people, pets or movement. His premier work has the elements of color, which seems to be his objective, to the best of the technical ability of his photographic camera used for these photos. A brief introduction or preface, albeit a bit in need of editing, offers his thoughts of his quest to portray to others what no doubt has inspired him so often in viewing spectacular evening sunsets in this pristine place of natural beauty. One can see by the date and time stamp on the photographs DeMaria has visited Big Rideau Lake during the summer months of multiple years.
The book is an ardent attempt to capture inspiring sunsets, however it is very difficult for the technology of any photograph to capture the entire spectrum of the many bandwidths of light one can perceive by actually being there, along with the sensory elements of the breeze over a Canadian lake during the long evenings of summer months. For those that have been to Big Rideau Lake, it will surely remind them of the beauty of the area, and for others this book will likely have them place the lake on their personal “Bucket list” for wishing to go there at least once in their lives.