Read what other authors are saying about Pacific Book Review

George Kennedy_CR0,0,214,317_AL_ Dear Nicole, Many years ago, when giraffes were first invented, they gossiped a lot. Having a long neck gave them access to peek-a-boo stuff better left un-peeked. They chortled, “This is a gold mine!” and dug deeper for the bucks to be made in muck. “Silence is golden”, whispered a regal Siamese cat named Chloe, deep vivid blue eyes closed in repose, “unless there’s good news to share”. Heeding not, the giraffes went on spreading vocal manure, until, one day, they awakened and couldn’t talk at all. They still can’t. Moral: Pacific Book Review is concerned and keyed to Chloe’s wisdom. They are respected and endorsed by tall-as-a-giraffe Aesop fan George Kennedy.  Hugs,  George Kennedy



George Kennedy, Academy Award-Winning Actor & Author
George Kennedy discussing his book Trust Me: A Memoir: Watch Video
Read Review:  Trust Me


jlv3 academy awardsDear Ms. Sorkin, Please thank Jason Lolus for me for his outstanding review of my novel, William the Conqueror vs King Harold. Mr. Lolus completely understood that I wanted to take what is normally a face-smashing dry read and turn it into something fun — for the youth of the English speaking world. More importantly I want them to learn to watch their own movie — the one that is imagined as they are reading about this very important and vastly overlooked historical event. That is my goal.

 Mr. Jason Lolus, with his incredibly insightful review, has moved me toward that goal and I will always be eternally grateful to him — and to you, Ms. Sorkin, for helping novices like myself to get their work noticed. 

I thank you both from the core of my heart, as they said back in those days.  

And just for a few guaranteed laughs take a quick look (2.5 min) at JESSE VINT on YOUTUBE, and you will see a short introduction to “William” at a Portland Writer’s Conference. I think that you will like the inspiration for the character, the Green Knight. As unlikely and impossible as it seems, it is a one hundred per-cent true story.  

Watch Youtube Video:

Jesse Lee Vint, Actor
Read Review


As every author knows writing a book is a long and lonely journey. Launching it out into the world is filled with obstacles and often frustration. Nicole and the reviewers at Pacific Book Review are the bright lights in this process. Nicole’s kindness, encouragement and dedication to the book world and the reviewers’ keen and thoughtful insights help to smooth the way. I am honored to have been selected as a winner of the Pacific Book Awards and my books have received the most thoughtful and insightful reviews. I thank Nicole and her partners for their professionalism, their care and understanding and what must be hours of hard work. I would recommend to any author looking for a safe place to have their cherished work reviewed to contact Pacific Book Review.

Read Book Reviews:
The Lilac Bush Is Blooming
Back to Jerusalem
Rage Against the Dying Light
Sincerely, Jan Surasky

Jan Surasky, Award-Winning Author


I adore you all!!! That was awesome.. One of these days I would love to come out to visit and take you, and whoever staff is around, out to dinner… Thank you for your review service and treating me so well.. I love Pacific Book Review…. Love  Suzanne Eglington

The Kate and Robert Chronicles Series   – Book Reviews        She’s Got the Jack           Beckham 101            You and I          Inceptions

Suzanne Eglington, Award-Winning Author




Thank you so much for such inspiring news. I’m flattered.  I was greatly impressed by the reviewer’s writing.  I have received many reviews which captivate the general idea of the story, but I sensed that your reviewer really understood beyond the words written and found something others did not express.  It is a complex story in its literary sense; hence, only keen literary eyes are able to catch the details which make up the composition of the story. Kudos for the reviewer.  I’ll share the seal image and the review throughout with great honor and privilege; I’m very grateful I applied to such professional reviewers such as yourselves. Thank you very much.
Sincerely, Facundo Raganato

Facundo Raganato, Award-Winning Author          Read Review         Author Interview


Pacific Book Review-GoldDear Pacific Book Review,  I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for assigning Carol as my reviewer.  Her review of my novel is truly exceptional because of her thoughtful insights and depth of understanding into my writing process and ideas.  I could not have asked for a better book review.  Please make certain to tell Carol all of this along with my deepest gratitude.  Thanks again for your exceptional assistance.  Regards, Mark Mazziotti, M.A., E.A.
Mark Mazziotti, Author

Read Review



Pacific Book Review-MarkThank you Pacific Book Review for your thoughtful and insightful review. I have looked over some of the other reviews on your site so I may sound like a broken record here but I think it bears repeating. My reviewer, Debbie Sklar, did what most reviewers don’t seem to do. She took the time to not only read my entire book, which is obvious in her review, but she also took the time and effort to put forward such a heartfelt observation of my book, Vienna’s Will.  She didn’t just go through the paces, she went above and beyond to see and share the whole story. I am truly impressed. Thank you Debbie!!

Mark McCullough
Vienna’s Will
Mark McCullough, Author

Read Review



pic_bmp_promo2Thanks for the nice work. I’ve had all positive reviews, but some groups (Kirkus) just seemed to skim the book and didn’t really portray it properly. Your review certainly indicates a thorough read and evaluation. Much appreciated! Professional, thorough, objective and most helpful in reviewing and promoting my book. Out of 5 services used, Pacific Book was the most complete and responsive organization. I highly recommend for all authors before considering other sources.  I purchased the Ultimate Review Package and it was worth it!
Cheers, Bob Mack Peak
Bob Mack Peak, Writer Producer
Read Review



Rob-Riley-225x300Your book review immediately energized my publisher’s marketing efforts. Several people bought a book “on the spot” after reading the review, and it is being posted at myriad blogs and other locations. It helped seal the deal for a book signing with the top local mystery bookstore. All this was done within the first 10 days after I received the review. I can’t thank the people at Pacific Book Review enough for their most capable work.
Best Regards, Rob Riley
Rob Riley, Author & Detective
Read Review


as00061Dear Ms. Sorkin, I appreciate the insightful and marketable review. Please extend my thanks to Ms. Brown-Gilbert for her services. I will be in touch once the book is released (within the next few weeks). It was a pleasure working with Pacific Book Review, you have a personal approach that makes a customer feel they are in good hands.
Regards, Amber L. Spradlin
Amber L. Spradlin, Award-Winning Author
Read Review


3f8c5567602b0ad8986ce3.L._V137340110_SX200_Dear Nicole, I’ve read the press release and I must say that I’m very impressed how you managed to write such a professional and extremely first-class press release. Well done you! (just for your personal information, I’m always decisive since I’ve written books and newspaper articles for nearly twenty years and constantly have something to nitpick about, but this doesn’t entail in you in any case of course). Again, great job!
All my very best wishes to you, John Dahlgren
John Dahlgren, Swiss Author & Psychologist
Read Review:   Sagaria
Read Review:    Tides of Avarice
Read  Review:  Press release


holly011hretouchedcroppedtheone.jpg.w300h300Nicole provided a review for my novel. She is diligent, persistent and dependable. Not only was the review of the highest professional quality, Nicole saw to it that it was posted properly in several places on the internet. I can’t recommend her highly enough.
Holly Weiss, author of Crestmont
Holly Weiss, Award-Winning Author
Read Review:  Crestmont



Author_NEW_0001Nicole, Ultimate Review Package covers your Review and PR Punch simultaneously. One stone, two birds flight and soar. Get on with your writing right away.
Just do it! I did. Raf Leon Dalquist
Raf Leon Dalquist, Author, Inventor & Entrepreneur
   Read Review


home-image1Dear Mr. & Mrs. Sorkin, I must admit that this review is the best of the best. Thank you for your depth of understanding of my literary work, Voice of Conscience. I am profoundly pleased with your write-up and adding your thoughts on the title and the cover of the book come together beautifully. You will soon be reviewing my second book. I would like to have it reviewed before publishing, so that I can quote the review on the back cover.
Until then, many thanks. Regards, Behcet Kaya
Behcet Kaya, Author & Actor
Read Review:  Road to Siran
Read Review: Voice of Conscience


professional_picture010310_479x600“I have used Nicole to prepare reviews of my books and to design, develop and produce a trailer for my book When the Wife Cheats. You can view a Trailer of the Book at: Watch Book Trailer I plan to use her again when my 3rd book is released early this fall. I recommend Nicole without reservations.”
Frank Zaccari
Frank Zaccari, Author & Executive, Business Owner
Read Review:  When the Wife Cheats
Read Review:  From the Ashes


71MyWcrgnqL._SL150_.png“Sometimes on the Internet you can find a service, a professional or a friend. What I found at Pacific Book Review was all three! Nicole and Gary offer a service that is beyond what they promise. I have been able to call them, internationally or email and always hear back quickly; usually instantly. They are professionals, both by the high standards I set only for myself and the comments from others who know them. And, they have become friends because I am learning; I’m vulnerable. They have been ethical, honest, and generous with their knowledge.”
Dr. Jacqueline Z. Mackenzie
Dr. Jacqueline Z. Mackenzie, Author, Speaker & Social Scientist       Read Review


authorDear Nicole, Pacific Book Review promised and delivered on time. Excellent customer service and their reviewers are true professionals. I’m so impressed with their service – concise, unbiased review and especially putting my book review on other major online bookstores e.g. Amazon and other high traffic website for more exposure for my book that will eventually generate more sales.
Thank you! Lolu Adebayo
Lolu Adebayo , Author          Read Review


080f564b714f0ac1d1887c.L._V174387462_SX200_To my fellow writers; if you need an insightful review, one that’s honest and doesn’t simply skim the surface, then you are at the right place. The review of my book not only exhibited a faithful evaluation of the book but an accurate understanding of the environment that I worked so hard to express. These are honest people doing an excellent job in a reasonable amount of time. Good luck with your book!!!!
Don Castle
Don Castle , Author & Advertising Executive       Read Review:  Dark Soul        Read Review:  Pecan Gap


130006Dear Nicole, The review was completed two days after you received my book, this kind of service you have had rendered to me as author is priceless, and I’m truly grateful about it. I’m so happy to receive a positive and a five star review for my book Victor and the Sun Orb. My credibility as a author lifted one step farther. Gary Sorkin has his own unique way of writing a review, it’s very professional, and his brilliant choice of words threaded beautifully to the color and fantasy expressed in my book. I’m so proud of my book after reading the review he wrote. Thank you Pacific Book Review. I’ll keep in touch with you again when I finish my second book.      Amy Nielson
Amy Nielsen , Author      Read Review


DesjardinsJudithDogI must say that sending my first book for a professional review was frightening. “What if I get a bad review? What if they send that review to Amazon and Barnes and Noble?” I decided that I needed to take the risk; I needed to have an objective, professional evaluation of this book I had spent 15 years writing. I was putting it on the market and needed to hear if it would appeal to the general public. My experience with Nicole Sorkin, managing partner/founder of Pacific Book Review, proved to be wonderful. Not only did she have eloquent things to say about my book, she really “got it” and its spiritual message. She was even personally helped by the chapter on Forgiveness and was willing to say it in her review. What more could an author ask for? Since her review has been posted on and Barnes and, I have seen an increase in sales and am able to use her review and the 5 Star rating given by Amazon and Barnes and Noble in further marketing. I highly recommend the talented, dedicated reviewers at Pacific Book Review.
Judith Anne Desjardins, LCSW, BCD, MSWAC – Award-Winning Author
Judith Anne Desjardins, LCSW, BCD, MSWAC , Award-Winning Author, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Board Certified Diplomat in Clinical Social Work, Master Social Work Additions

Watch Book Trailer                 Read Review


SELFFIXIn this literary world of hurried assessments and fresh-out-of-college-(often)-illiterate proof readers, it is beyond refreshing, particularly to those who desire constructive criticism, to encounter a facility dedicated to such thorough appraisal of one’s writing as PACIFIC BOOK REVIEW. Gratitude isn’t sufficient a word, personally speaking, particularly when such high-minded establishment as NY Times Book Review (as an all too common an instance) flakes one off with “our policy prevents us reviewing self published books.” Tough luck, NYT, good on you PACIFIC BOOK REVIEW, you’re way ahead of the whole new game in town. Following PACIFIC BOOK REVIEW’s critique of my 2nd book’s submission to their consideration, A Child’s Guide to Heresy I am compelled to add ‘to my gratitude of Gary Sorkin’s expertise’ yet another sincere ‘literary’ appreciation. Nothing rewards a writer more than a professional reader taking the time and clearing the mind to criticize a tome, not in order to flatter but judge whether the writing deserves distribution among the reading public; for, when one dots the final ‘tea’ and crosses the last ‘eye’ or two upon a long-labored-over book, no satisfaction comes more welcome (to the author) than does a commendation from a discerning and exacting professional. For had any pointers accompanied the critique they would have been taken to heart as creative advisories and instantly acted upon prior to re-submitting the work to the printers, as my knowing no shortcoming escaped the critic’s eye. My occupational esteem for PACIFIC BOOK REVIEW cannot by sufficiently expressed.
Kendrew Lascelles
Kendrew Lascelles, Author, Poet, Playwright & Screenwriter-Award-Winning Author
Read review:  Tamara Hunney
Read review:   A Child’s Guide to Heresy
View other works by Kendrew Lascelles: The Box read by John Denver
Kendrew Lascelles discusses A Child’s Guide to Heresy: Watch Video


3055b51I was so pleased by the review of my book, A Matter of Panache, by Pacific Book Review. Obviously I was happy to have gotten a five star rating from them, but more than that, by their review it was clear they had actually read the entire book and taken the time to think about it’s message. I don’t know how they do it, but it was less than two weeks from the time I sent them my book to the posted review. I really expected to see a short one paragraph review that was generic, but that is definitely not what I received. I feel honored to be able to say Pacific Book Review gave me five stars!
Debra Sanders Colorado Springs, Colorado
Debra Sanders, Debra Sanders Debra Sanders Award-Winning Author & Psychologist
Read review:   A Matter of Panache


metroHi Nicole, This is a much belated testimonial from an appreciative author. At the time when Gary Sorkin reviewed my book, I was not in possession of a solo photo nor a website. Finally, after several months, I’ve obtained both. Meanwhile, I’ve had a lot of positive feedback—people (authors and non-authors) who like Gary’s review because it is explicit, objective and helpful. It is a critical analysis of both content and author’s writing style.
June Chen
June Chen, Author & Teacher
Read review:  Seeing the Light


tn1“Nicole Sorkin provides a great service for book trailers. I would recommend Pacific Review for any writer that is looking for quality work at a reasonable price. I will definitely be using their services in the future.”
Nakesha Lowe
Nakesha Lowe , Author & Editing Professional
Read review:  Just Leave Me Alone
Read Author Interview
Watch Book Trailer


7fb851c88da00cfebfae3210.L._SY100_Dear Ms. Sorkin, Your services are incredibly appreciated. You provide an opportunity for an author to gauge their work for its quality and market readiness. Although it is only one review, it’s impact on an author is a powerful indicator of the type of work you are turning out. Having your work reviewed by Pacific Book Review is an essential step for any author, especially if you are considering self-publishing. Their reviews are intelligent, insightful and absolutely necessary to every work I publish or will publish. If you are considering a review, don’t pay the Kirkus fees when you can have an impartial, professional review for much, much less. Go with Pacific Book Review and you’ll receive an accurate review at a reasonable price – free! Or, at least very affordable! It is absolutely the best money I’ve invested in my work thus far. Sincerely,
Reece W. Manley, DD, M.Ed., MPM
author of Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source
Dr. Reece W. Manley, DD, M.Ed, MPM, Author & Ordained Minister
Read review:  Crossing Twice
Read review:  Spirit Thinking


carole-eglash-kosoffThank you for your detailed review of my book. It was clear that you had read the book and understood both the depth of my characters and the importance of the history I tried to convey. You guys are the best.
Sincerely, Carole Eglash-Kosoff
Carole Eglash-Kosoff, Author & Independent Financial Services Professional
Read review:  Winds of Change
Read review:  When Stars Align


peredaGary Sorkin of Pacific Book Review did a fantastic review of my book. It was incisive, subtle, funny, and timely. His great use of the language made me chuckle at times, like when he compared the survival instincts of my characters to those of “a caffeinated cricket in an iguana cage.” Laughter aside, Gary’s understanding of the book’s structural underpinnings and plot machinations was impressive. Kudos to Gary — and to Pacific Book Review, and thank you!
David Pereda
David Pereda, Award-Winning Author, Businessman & Professor
Read Review:   Havana: Killing Castro


wyaneIf you are debating or procrastinating about submitting your book to Pacific Book Review, like I once did, I strongly advise you to stop wasting your time. Do it. It is worth it. This is an outstanding promotional service and their staff is helpful, courteous, and efficient. Within a week of submitting my book to the company, I was rewarded with not only an excellent review, but one that was insightful, sensitive, well-articulated and mindful of my purpose in writing this book. I poured a lot of love into writing Kate, the Ghost Dog: Coping With the Death of a Pet and the reviewer did a great job of communicating the essence of the story to my potential readership. I’m excited and pleased about the review and the impact it may have on future sales. I guarantee you I won’t hesitate to utilize their services again with my next book.
Wayne L. Wilson
Wayne L. Wilson, Author, Screenwriter, Businessman & Entrepreneur
Read review:   Kate, the Ghost Dog


164455A-backcover-Tedalonev2_edited-1 Be not afraid. I can almost guarantee you that whatever Gary and Nicole provide you with, it will be positive in the sense that it will help you not only with the promotion of your book, but also, with becoming a more accomplished, well-known author as well.
Theodore J. Cohen, PhD
Theodore J. Cohen, PhD , Award-Winning Author, Engineer and Scientist
Read review:   House of Cards
Read review:  Unfinished Business
Read review:   Frozen in Time
Read review:  Death by Wall Street
Read Review: Night Shadows
Read Review:  Lilith
Read review:  End Game


51pY+ooSs1L._SL160_I would like to thank the wonderful, professional staff of Pacific Book Review for the terrific job they did with my novel A Work of Art. I highly recommend the services of Pacific Book Review to new and seasoned authors alike.
Your truly, Tucker Spolter
Tucker Spolter, Author & Teacher


authorI highly recommend Pacific Book Review. Reading their review of my book Tales of the Titmouse One Woman’s Journey out of Darkness was like the excitement of unwrapping an early Christmas present. I’m a new author, and to have a 5 star rating is amazing. Their thoughtful and carefully chosen words reflected the time they take with each book. I’m grateful for their professionalism. They made my first review a wonderful experience.
Thank you, Pamela Barrett,
Pamela Barrett, Author & Business Owner
Read review:  Tales of the Titmouse


davidDear Pacific Book Review: We appreciated all your help in reviewing our adventure story, Flying the Edge of America. We are new authors and we found it incredibly helpful to have a thorough appraisal of our work from your professional service. Until we received your review we were not sure if our writing had achieved what we wanted. From your comments we believe it did. Your review is insightful, constructive, and it gives the potential reader a wonderful summary of what to expect from our book. Moreover, your words have encouraged us to keep on writing.
Thank you again, Julia Buss and David Millett
David Millett & Julia Buss, Authors, Information Technologist, Pilot and Nurse
Read Review:  Black Nightingale
Read Review:  Flying the Edge of America
Read Review:  Your Care Plan
Read Review:  Homo Cosines
Read Review:  Continental Drifting
Read Review:  Flying the Edge of America (The Book)


imagssesI’m really impressed with Pacific Book Review. Their Founder and Managing Partner Nicole Sorkin is a friend I have known for a long time, and I know she treats her authors like she treats her friends, with care and respect. Her team is in this business for the right reasons. Kindness and integrity are much needed in this space, and I trust Nicole to offer both to every self-published and traditionally published author she works with.
Ivory Madison, Founder & CEO, Red Room
Ivory Madison, Founder & CEO of Red Room


0e2bb65f9e5b0ad8956e34.L._V185926610_SL290_Dear Nicole, Many thanks for the kind words for the book review of The Playbook for Small Businesses. The attention to detail was superb. You will certainly be my first stop for any future books that I publish. A card of thanks has also been sent.
Thanks you, Steve Henry
Steve Henry , Top Selling author on Amazon and Entrepreneur
Read Review:  The Playbook for Small Businesses


Pacific Book Review delivers high quality service–well-written reviews that make a publicist’s job a joy!
Chiara D’Aquila
Chiara D'Aquila, Book Publicist, Travelers' Tales
Read Review:  100 Places in Italy Every Woman Should Go


61wD8aeUyqL._SL160_I would like to thank you for an excellent review of my book, Don’t Call Me Names. Your review exceeded my expectations. It was brilliant, eloquent, well-articulated and done in a timely manner. You really got the message and purpose for my writing this book and conveyed it so well in the review. I’m ecstatic! I highly recommend Pacific Book Review. Your services are greatly appreciated.
C.W. Graham
C.W. Graham , Author
Read Review:  Don’t Call Me Names


41hKuDCPyxL._SL160_Dear Mrs. Sorkin, The purpose of this email is to extend my deep gratitude for the review on my book. I will respond to Mr. Sorkin personally, but I wanted to say that it is really an exceptional review! Unlike the others you can tell that Mr. Sorkin actually read the book and I think readers will appreciate that and help them understand the true value of the book. He captured the very spirit of the book. As an author it’s always exciting when someone provides favorable comments about the work that you do. You guys went above and beyond that and I am grateful for it.
Michael J. DeFranco, M.D.
Michael J. DeFranco, M.D., Author & Orthopedic Surgeon
Read Review:   Surviving A Season






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Pacific Book Review achieves the highest honor from Ezine Articles and receives “Expert Author Status.” Many of our reviews posted at Ezine Articles have encouraged other Ezines to publish our articles on their own websites.


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