Title: The 11th Commandment
Author: Dee Carey
Publisher: Writers Branding, LLC
ISBN: 978-1639455652
Pages: 148
Genre: Fantasy / Fiction
Reviewed by: Ephantus M.

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In author Dee Carey’s fantasy novel, The 11th Commandment, a young man’s errors lead him down an unexpected road that pits him against the epitome of all evil.

Sean, the main character, is a young man accustomed to continual teasing by other kids. One day, Damien Darke, a stranger who possesses the attributes he has long coveted, makes a startling request. He wants Sean to keep an eye on Patrick and update him on his daily activities. Patrick is a priest who has long supported Sean during his difficult times. If Sean accepts, Damien will provide him with the much-needed sense of significance and social acceptance which he has been missing.

Patrick eventually learns Darke’s ruse and punishes Sean by forcing him to take a drink that transforms him into a fox. Sean is taken aback by how things have turned out, but he is even more surprised when Patrick says he will henceforth be his pet. The lingering question however, remains “till when?”

Unbeknownst to Sean, the Blessed Mother – who adores foxes – arranged his transformation and informed Patrick that he was part of a larger plan to redeem humanity. He then finds out that the Pope has given him and Patrick a task to complete. Though it is a difficult mission that sets him against the devil, it eventually unlocks his hidden virtues, bringing him happiness and love beyond his greatest expectations.

God’s unfailing compassion for humanity, which includes his forgiveness of human mistake, is exemplified in this story. It also correctly portrays the devil’s proclivity for dishonesty and deception. The plot is full of difficult circumstances which put the protagonist and his allies to the test, such as when a former antagonist supporter offers to help them, claiming to have changed his ways. With multiple identical circumstances, enigmatic riddles, and a romantic arc, this story will pull at the heartstrings of its intended audience while keeping them guessing what will happen next.

The 11th Commandment by Dee Carey is an unrivaled fantasy that focuses on character adventure in a world of limitless possibilities. Owing to its well-developed and insightful plot, readers will be clamoring for more from the author’s collection. Anyone looking for a way to unwind after a hectic day should definitely check this book out.

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