Title: The Adventures of Mr. Fuzzy Ears – The Mystery of the Missing Bunnies
Author and Illustrator: Donna Carr Roberts
Publisher: Mr. Fuzzy Ears, LLC
ISBN: 978-0-578-63576-7
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book
Pages: 44
Reviewed by: Beth Adams

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Pacific Book Review

Award-winning author and artist Donna Carr Roberts has created another masterpiece of illustrated children’s literature in her latest Adventures of Mr. Fuzzy Ears.

In this episode, titled The Mystery of the Missing Bunnies, Mr. Fuzzy Ears is proudly accepted into the school’s K-9 police force; helping solve cases of missing animals, lost books on campus, and other criminal investigations. The humor and whimsical joking about the personified actions of Mr. Fuzzy Ears is brought out in many ways; such as how Mr. Fuzzy Ears was envisioning catching a criminal by pulling down his pants, and by how he pees on every spot on the school campus, claiming his territory. In this adventure, he is tasked with finding the missing bunnies, as no one has seen the furry bunnies for quite a while.

Seeking out the help of a mouse, talking to an owl, and interviewing other characters, sets Mr. Fuzzy Ears on a path towards the school’s computer building. Low-and-behold, inside a room, he comes across the dozens of bunnies playing with the “Screen Things.” The bunnies were completely oblivious to Mr. Fuzzy Ears’ presence, as the devices were taking all of the bunnies’ attention. The moral of the story is brought out by telling the bunnies that playing with these computer devices, although fun, is not as much fun as going outside, and being in the carrot patch, or running around in the fresh air and sunshine. All too much time and focus are placed upon younger adults with their iPhone or Androids, and perhaps this book can help caution kids to maintain a balance between nature vs. technology.

The Adventures of Mr. Fuzzy Ears – The Mystery of the Missing Bunnies, as in Donna Carr Robert’s previous book, is artfully illustrated with original water color pictures; each ideally created to bring children’s imagination into the story with fanciful images. Further craft is exhibited in the changing page background colors, and the varying fonts and layout of the galley text. Noticing all of the details which have gone into the creation of this book, this reviewer certainly believes it elevates the book into a “Best of Class” category.

The collection of Mr. Fuzzy Ears is a must-have series for all home libraries, and even the ending of this adventure terminates with a sleepy suggestion. This book will bring the start of colorful dreams to the reading audience as they drift off into a beautiful world of animal-loving happiness, awaiting to see once again what may lie ahead in another adventure of Mr. Fuzzy Ears.

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