Title: The Alien Apocalypse
Author: Frank Morin
Publisher: Author’s Tranquility Press
ISBN: 978-1961123106
Pages: 77
Genre: Science and Philosophy / Mystery and Exploration
Reviewer: Rae Capri

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All this talk about God, Aliens, and Extraterrestrial beings will always be a topic of discussion, but it must be founded on more truth. As we continue through life, we realize everything we were taught isn’t technically true, and many of us still seek the appropriate answers to our constant burning questions. Do Aliens and Extraterrestrial Beings exist?  If so, how come we don’t hear much information about them? Unfortunately, those in power do not want us mere humans to understand the actuality of it all, we were not told the complete truth. To have a book which uncovers details about these beings will shock you, so brace yourself and prepare to experience consistent jaw drops and widening of the eyes!

In The Alien Apocalypse, author Frank Morin breaks down everything, explaining to his readers about who the Aliens and Extraterrestrial beings are and about God. We have all been led to believe a certain narrative about the importance of the Moon, not knowing it serves a purpose on a larger scale. There are more inhabitants on Earth than what we are told and choosing to understand it. For starters, why are we so focused on discovering the sea waters and space travel? There is a memo full of information that everyone is not privy to. The terminology is all the same and our connection to the unknown will have you wondering if humans are connected to Aliens somehow. Learning the secrets happening on the Moon is fascinating because these beings have not only inhabited it, but they ensured a strategy of access. The side that faces Earth wouldn’t be the best hiding spot, so only the dark and hidden parts are where they colonized and gathered supplies without being seen. As the truth comes out, more humans are receptive in knowing our advanced technologies and massively large structures were not our doing but of other species. Slowly, we are waking up to the idea that Extraterrestrials are and have been around since the beginning. We are constantly reminded often through subtle indicators of how much human knowledge is on a minor scale compared to what the government isn’t telling us. One would think attempting to communicate with these beings would be worth our wild, but have we truly considered doing so, without the higher-up’s involvement? Even if it is just a thought, it might be a great idea since we are all on this planet together, anyway.

Every opportunity the Extraterrestrials tried to communicate with us humans, was immediately shut down or intercepted by the government. By doing this, it makes one think about the reasons as to why the monitoring is necessary. Methods such as those crop circles were of intricate designs left for us to decipher but were too difficult of a task to fulfill. Labeled as the aggressor, these beings wanted nothing from the humans except to pass on a message that they “come in peace” or give a heads up they are passing through without harm. Unfortunately, these messages have been received but not related to countrymen and women, so they still think these beings are enemies. Of course, someone would label a strange creature as a potential threat until otherwise, but in this case, that is not the situation. They are friendly and possibly want to co-exist, maybe even work together. The Celestial Entities or “Angels,” as Frank Morin claims, can live forever and probably know the information of the beginning of the Universe. The product of Angels and human women’s procreation is known as Nephilim or “Extraterrestrials.” People do not understand there isn’t much difference as to what these beings are called as they have advanced technology they want to share with us but aren’t allowed to. So, things are granted entry to be utilized by the government and if exposed, then become something for everyone else to enjoy the benefits.

I enjoyed learning all about Aliens and Extraterrestrials because they aren’t topics of discussion, but if the world were more open-minded, we could grasp an understanding of why they’re here. Putting your life at risk by exposing the government withholding information from their people would not be such a good idea. Reality begins to kick in by telling humans they are not superior on the creations list. Interesting that Frank pointed out that we should be more focused on the fact there are other life forms on our planet than worrying about outer space and beyond. The dead giveaway was stating Nephilium lives on the sea floors, no wonder so much occurs underwater. Either way, I feel a bit more equipped about our Earth, that Aliens and Extraterrestrial beings are real, and the Bible does have truth to it. I recommend this book for others to sit and absorb what is written, as most answers to their questions are in this book.

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