Title: The Andean Cross
Author: Lawrence Clayton
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1643617701
Pages: 272
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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Understanding the origins of the world and how things came to be is one of the longest held pursuits of humanity. For centuries people have studied those who came before, all the while forging a new history for those who would come after them. As Marcus Garvey once said, “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” In author Lawrence Clayton’s historical fiction novel The Andean Cross, history introduces a new chapter into the world of organized religion and its overall impact on the world at large.

In this book, the author blends action, adventure, exploration and history with religion to give readers a whirlwind adventure like no other. When a group of explorers and researchers uncover a mysterious item amongst the finds of an ancient wreckage off the coast of Latin America. it leads to a new discovery about the origins of the New World and when Christianity first arrived on the land. When the priceless item gets the attention of the wrong group of people, mystery and intrigue arrive as some fight to sell the object, while others fight to learn the truth.

This is a fascinating read. The blend of history with action and adventure with a religious overtone was a great storytelling device to implement into the narrative. Building a core cast of characters which keeps the reader invested in the developing plot, the author does a great job of blending that classic theme of adventure and exploration with a blend of rich history and exploration of the influence of Christianity on the New World prior to the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century.

This is the perfect read for anyone who enjoys religious based fiction, historical fiction and action/adventure stories that push the core cast of characters out of their comfort zone and into a world very few travel. I was drawn to the historical aspect of this book, exploring the true nature of when Europeans and travelers from across the ocean truly set foot on the New World. With so many new discoveries happening around the world, it is easy to see how a people could have arrived at the New World and gone unnoticed or forgotten for so long.

This is a truly engaging and entertaining read while furthering the question and exploration of history and the age of exploration that led to the discovery of the New World. For years evidence and theories about various cultures discovering the New World well before anyone thought possible have circulated the new circuits, and this novel plays on this overall real-world theme while exploring a rich cast of characters and lots of action that makes for an overall fun read. If you haven’t yet and you enjoy good historical fiction mixed with action and religious exploration, then grab your copy of The Andean Cross by Lawrence Clayton today!

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