Title: The Chariots Flew Then and Still Do Today!
Author: Dr. Ron Pleune
Publisher: Twenty20 Literary Group
ISBN: 978-1-961250-59-8
Pages: 143
Genre: Religion
Reviewed by: Isha Jash

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In this compelling book, The Chariots Flew Then and Still Do Today!, Dr. Ron Pleune boldly challenges ingrained societal beliefs, particularly those surrounding God’s existence. His aim is to challenge readers to reconsider their assumptions about spirituality and urge them to step beyond conventional boundaries.

Raised in a Methodist Christian household, Dr. Pleune shares a distinctive perspective shaped by his academic pursuits—an undergraduate degree in Business, followed by Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Apologetics focusing on world religion. This book offers a captivating insight into the author’s personal and academic evolution, offering readers a glimpse into the intersection of faith, education, and the unexplored realms of extraterrestrial encounters. An intriguing shift occurs when he moves to Michigan and encounters a UFO, prompting him to question conventional boundaries.

Dr. Pleune’s exploration of religious education and his firsthand experience with the unexplained phenomenon of a UFO create a narrative that invites reflection and contemplation. His courage to confront societal norms and question the constraints that confine individuals within a predefined framework adds depth to the narrative. Dr Pleune’s powerful question, “The main point of this is the fact that we began to peek outside the box. But what kept us inside the box?” provokes a paradigm shift, fostering the ongoing redefinition of social norms and beliefs.

Maintaining an unwavering commitment to honesty and thorough research, the author draws from diverse sources, ranging from writings and archaeology to the Bible and information from Storage Banks introduced to Billy Meier by the Plejaren from the planet Era. This comprehensive approach adds depth and credibility to his narrative. The thoughtful questioning of the existence and simplicity of life and the impact that gets lost in between resonated with me. The cover page of the book is particularly intriguing. The puzzle is carefully designed with words that describe the book itself.

Overall, The Chariots Flew Then and Still Do Today! sparks intellectual curiosity, compelling readers to explore belief complexities. It offers a unique blend of personal experiences, scholarly insights, and thought-provoking perspectives. I recommend this book to anyone seeking to broaden their understanding of spirituality, belief systems, and the boundaries that often confine our thinking. Dr. Pleune’s narrative challenges, educates, and inspires in equal measure, making this book a compelling addition to explorations of religion and existential questions.

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