Title: The Crystal Palace: Rescue of the Baby Fairy Prince
Author: Michele Hauser
Publisher: Outskirts Press
ISBN: 978-1432711573
Pages: 339
Genre: Middle Grade
Reviewer: Jennifer Bailey

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A sleepover at Karina’s grandparents’ house turns into a wild adventure in another world filled with mystifying creatures, a crystal palace, fairies and a prince in need of saving. Led to the crystal palace by the Tooth Fairy (the same tooth fairy that Karina’s grammy knew), Karina and her friends Katie and Emily Jean embark on an exciting adventure to help Angela find the missing baby fairy prince. Then a year later the girls are invited to Prince Jeremy’s birthday party.  Everything is wonderful with delicious food, dancers, and fireworks galore. That is until explosions interrupt the party and various outcast protests result in the kidnapping of Karina, Katie, Nicole and Princess Gianna.  Now the girls must face the tough issues of equality and justice while they strive to figure out what to do to help Fairyland.  More time passes by and the three friends return to Fairyland to visit their friends.  This time a sorcerer gives Katie fairy wings, but grows jealous of her charisma and influence with the kings.  Meanwhile a horde of angry insects and spiders invade Fairyland hoping to destroy it before heading to destroy the human world.

This middle grade book is perfect for young kids struggling with reading.  Not only is it entertaining and exciting to read, it is also easy and concise.  With short, simple sentences filled with child-like humor and sensibility makes this book a win for any parents (or teachers) trying to encourage reading in young children.  The characters are lovable, smart, brave, relatable; kids can picture themselves traveling with Angela and the young girls.  It is reminiscent of a childhood spent making up stories and magical lands.

This book is broken into three different parts, each one focusing on a different theme.  While the themes may seem complex, author Michele Hauser does an excellent job at presenting them in a way that young readers can easily understand.  Each part/book leaves the readers wanting more and longing to return to Fairyland just like the characters in the book. This book is so well written and imaginative, it gives the readers a warm feeling inside.

The Crystal Palace is geared towards middle school aged children, but children of any age would love reading and/or listening to this tale.  Everything in this book is not only age appropriate, but also appropriate for parents to read to younger children and it will hold their attention.  It is a book that children will remember fondly and one day want to read to their children.  It is definitely a special book for those fortunate enough to put it on their bookshelf.


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