Title: The Cure
Author: Jason Mailey
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 979-8823010023
Pages: 202
Genre: Suspense Action Fiction/Thriller
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

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They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Far more often than not, the good intentions and hopes for a better future some people strive for turn into nightmares, with things getting worse and regret becoming the overwhelming feeling in the person who pursued this path. It is how we react and face those moments of regret and the mistakes we make that define us, and for some, the need to double down and try to cover up one’s mistakes is the overwhelming path that people will take.

In author Jason Mailey’s “The Cure”, the author explores this idea in an intense action thriller. The government thinks that they have developed a cure to the common cold, and take it upon themselves to distribute the cure into a small town. However things take a dramatic turn when the cure instead infects the townspeople instead. The lead scientist on the project discovers this, and with the help of a military man, they attempt to stop the spread of the infection and find the true cure. However other people have other ideas, and the two would-be heroes find themselves facing a massive cover-up, filled with betrayals, conspiracies, and a path of vengeance that will threaten to overwhelm the protagonists.

The author did a wonderful job of crafting an action-packed and thoughtful thriller. The heightened tension of the narrative is felt immediately, as the protagonist is thrust into the government conspiracy immediately. The suspense builds gradually, allowing the reader to feel the high stakes of the narrative and the desperation to stop this illness from overwhelming the town. The imagery in the author’s writing style allowed the reader to feel transported to this setting, painting a picture of a suspenseful horror setting in the post-apocalypse with a government cover-up twist.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy government cover-up narratives, especially those that include suspenseful thrillers and action and adventure narrative elements. The adrenaline-fueled narrative will feel like a blend of Tom Clancy military thrillers with a Dean Koontz mystery and suspense novel, allowing the reader to be transported into the story and get lost in the fantastic character development and the relationships that are formed along the way.

Memorable, action-packed, and entertaining, author Jason Mailey’s “The Cure” is a must-read action thriller and suspense novel. The twists and turns in the narrative, the heightened tension that builds as their race for a cure brings more and more dangers, and the compelling narrative makes this a fantastic suspense novel readers won’t be able to put down. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!

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