Title: The Day God Wore A Hard Hat: The Loves of My Life
Author: Jonathan James
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1491783221
Pages: 160
Genre: Romantic Erotica & Fiction
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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A life without love often can mean a life not fully lived. While romance isn’t a prerequisite for a happy life, the bonds people make with others one way or another can impact them in ways they could never imagine. As the great Maya Angelou once said, “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” In author Jonathan James novel The Day God Wore A Hard Hat: The Loves of My Life, one man undergoes a lifetime search for happiness and love.

In this heartbreaking, emotional rollercoaster of a tale, the author takes readers through the life of a man named Paul. After losing his parents at an early age, Paul takes readers through his life from a college student, to a newly wed husband to a man, suffering from loss and discovering things about himself he never thought possible. A story of self-discovery, the concept of falling in love more than once in a person’s life and the heartbreaking reality of loss that can impact a person mentally and emotionally, the novel explores one man’s journey through the battlefields of romance.

This was an incredibly well written novel. The author does a marvelous job of exploring the complexities of sexuality, romance, and relationships in general and the tragedy behind loss in all its forms. While it should be noted there are themes that deal with the concept of suicide and sexuality in this story, the author does a great job of including these themes naturally and respectively, showcasing real world struggles which many people do not take into consideration in this day and age.

This is a novel meant for anyone who enjoys contemporary romance, erotic style romance scenes and a contemporary tale of relationships and vicariously feeling loss in general along with powerful character development. As being a romantic myself, it was easy to get lost in the story of this novel and the complex emotional journey the protagonist led. While the erotic scenes were graphic, they also served to further the complex themes of sexuality and the emotional struggle of coming to terms with which people are as a whole.

This is a phenomenal read. While it may be a short read, the story is gripping and keeps the reader engaged throughout its entirety. The author does a great job of making the reader truly care for the protagonist and his struggles, rooting for him as he takes on each new chapter in his life. The supporting cast brings a group of friends and people that feel more like family, giving the protagonist a supportive group to rely on even when he doesn’t want it. It’s a gripping tale that deserves to be read, so if you are looking for the next great contemporary romance be sure to grab Jonathan James novel The Day God Wore A Hard Hat: The Loves of My Life today!

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