Title: The Fish House Gang
Author: Kenneth L. Funderburk
Publisher: Author’s Tranquility Press
ISBN: 978-1-958179-89-5
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 221
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares

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Stories such as this are fun because they are so down-to-earth even though you know it’s fiction, it seems real. Everything in this book could easily happen, and it seems as if author took some inspiration from his personal life for certain aspects of the story. There is always something so appealing about the hardnosed detective getting to the bottom of a case the old-fashioned way, but The Fish House Gang isn’t exactly that story, and Chic Sparks isn’t exactly that kind of detective.

The story has all the hallmarks of a classic detective novel – but with some modern flair. Chic Sparks is a strong and attractive man who always gets his girl and the perp, but instead of being a tough guy through and through, he has a doctorate in psychology, showing that he is just as much a thinker as he is a fighter. The other main protagonist, Suzy, is a sexually adventurous woman who doesn’t need a man to protect her. The two characters’ lives intertwine when Chic is on the trail of the men who committed a murder Suzy witnessed, and must protect Suzy before the men can figure out who she is.

Author Kenneth L. Funderbunk is an excellent storyteller who crafted a gripping tale of murder, mayhem, and sex. This book has an array of characters, each with a unique personality. While his bad guys are downright evil in most cases, his good guys aren’t exactly saints, which makes them more believable and relatable. Chic Sparks is a fun character that is just as much Kirk as Picard, but he isn’t so perfect that you get bored with his character. The story itself is a great length, but it feels like a quicker read than it is because of the way the chapters are constructed. It is a fun book, and it wouldn’t be surprising if someone who is a fan of detective novels such as this one would finish it in a single sitting.

If you are a fan of detective novels in the vein of James Bond and Jack Reacher, you will likely enjoy Chic Sparks. He may not be as rough and tumble as the others, but he makes up for it in charisma. There is plenty of stories left to tell for both Chic and Suzy; hopefully, we will see more of them in the future. There is plenty to love about The Fish House Gang, and it will leave you pleasantly contented in the end.

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