Title: The Fragility of Light
Author: Heather Lonczak
Publisher: Ivy Lane Press,1st edition (March 2, 2024)
ISBN: 9798989648108
Pages: 448
Genre: Psychological Fiction
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

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One of the great mysteries left to unlock in humanity has to be that of the mind. While much progress has been made in this arena, there are still so many unanswered questions when it comes to the human mind; from what it’s capable of to its connection to the concept of the human “soul”, and so much more. Yet some of the biggest hurdles that come with the mind have to be mental illness, and how it impacts a person’s life.

In author Heather Lonczak’s The Fragility of Life, the author explores mental illness in great lengths. The story follows Sunny, a beautiful young woman with a promising future as a book editor on the horizon and supported by her loving grandparents, both of whom were Holocaust survivors. Yet things take a drastic turn in the wake of two great losses, both of which drive Sunny towards a psychotic break. With that break comes delusions and hallucinations, impacting her mood and her sanity. Fighting hallucinations that she is being chased by Nazis, Sunny must fight her symptoms and find the help she needs for her mental illness, while dealing with her familial relationships and the other patients she meets along the way.

The author wrote such a compelling and informative novel. The tragic circumstances which bring the protagonist to this breaking point and the depth of detail the author goes into when showcasing the impact her illness has on her made this reader become both mentally and emotionally invested in her journey. The imagery was both haunting and powerful in the author’s writing style, giving readers a glimpse into the heartbreaking realities of those suffering from mental illness, including bouts of homelessness and the journey of discovering just the right combination of medications to help with their disorder. While the book does feature some triggering material, the delicate and heartfelt way the author approaches these subjects allow the reader to not only be prepared, but feel empathy and understanding towards the protagonist even more.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy psychological fiction, especially those involving family drama, emotionally storytelling and educational moments as well. For in this novel, the author’s story developments and world building allow the reader to gain a firmer and insightful look into the mental health journey, both from a clinical perspective and a personal perspective through Sunny’s experiences. The rich dynamics within the family also play an important role, and the compassionate way the author approaches this subject will really speak to any reader who either deals with this subject personally or readers who know someone suffering through this struggle.

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