Title: The Future of Leadership In the Age of AI
Author: Marin Ivezic & Luka Ivezic
Publisher: Marin Ivezic
ISBN: 978-1-7327497-0-2
Pages: 256
Genre: Non-Fiction
Reviewed by: Christa Hill
Pacific Book Review
A whole-hearted humorous and realistic look at what the future of AI really means for everyone. Ivezics’ present a picture of AI that doesn’t very into science fiction or suggest that all the advancements in technology will just be forgotten. They explore what AI really means for general laborers and engineers while simultaneously poking fun the genius of it all. The main thesis for this book is how AI/technological transformation is the fourth industrial revolution and how it is the same or different from the others. The writers look at the coming of AI from an organic perspective suggesting that it will neither bring about the apocalypse or utopia it is simply a means or accomplishing menial tasks. The writers are also invested in outlining how businesses can utilize and understand AI without being frightened pf being out of a job.
Occasionally there are moments when the writers look at the potential for human beings to be the victors as an increase in AI performing menial labor tasks would give average workers the chance to be creative. Each chapter is well thought out, well developed, and incredibly informative.
For many of us AI is already a large part of our lives, even as we ignore it or use it to improve. This lack of knowledge about what counts as AI leads to foolish decisions or an improper knowledge of what is helping us or harming us. With this down-to-earth guide the average person has the chance to build a better knowledge of where AI is being placed and if it is improving our lives or not. Many companies using AI already use it to analyze data and review statistics at a rate that no human could. While AI is far from perfect, Marin and Luka Ivezic move their book away from racial discrimination, unemployment, and bigotry.
I loved reading The Future of AI! Each chapter covered interesting history and fleshed out errors is AI technology understanding. The Ivezics have done an excellent job of silencing fear mongering and getting straight to the facts. Above all I was entertained by the comic strips and engrossed in the detail given for each topic covered. The most wonderful thing about this book is that it could easily be re-read as standalone chapters or from cover to cover. If you have ever been curious about business, the future, or AI I would highly recommend you read this.