Title: The God of the Bible Vol. 1: In This Book You Will Find the Name of God Every Time It Appears in the Bible
Author: Rev Leo Kuykendall
Publisher: PageTurner, Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1973613893
Pages: 842
Genre: Christian Commentaries/Bible Study & Reference
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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One of the major driving forces throughout humanity is the desire to find and accept a faith or religion. Many belief systems have existed since the dawn of mankind, from the days of Ancient Greece and the Pantheon of gods to modern day Islam and Christianity, there are many belief systems that people are drawn to. As Saint Augustine said, “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.”

In author and Rev Leo Kuykendall’s The God of the Bible Vol. 1: In This Book You Will Find the Name of God Every Time It Appears in the Bible, the author takes great time and details the numerous names that God takes in the Bible, as well as the verses that those names appear in. He also delves into the names for Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Angels and even goes into symbology as well.

This is a very well written, expertly researched and thoughtful read. Although quite lengthy, the book works as a great reference work that the author hopes teachers, students and casual readers alike will use alongside the Bible. The author does a marvelous job of finding the many references to God directly throughout the Bible, and each chapter showcases the verses themselves, along with the page number so that readers can look up the verse for themselves. This makes the book perfect for studying the Bible.

This book is the perfect read for those who enjoy religious studies, reference books for the Bible, and those who are practicing religion in general. The book highlights the power that God’s many names have for those who practice this faith, and expertly condenses the information down so that readers are able to track down the verses they need.

Overall, this is a fantastic reference book for readers who enjoy or practice religion. It was well researched, and the author did a great job of writing in a way that was clear and concise. Straight to the point and detail-oriented, this is the perfect companion to anyone studying or reading the Bible.

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