Title: The Human Experience: A Collection of Poems
Author: Z. K. Black
Publisher: XlibrisUK
ISBN: 1984565699
Pages: 92
Genre: Poetry
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington
Pacific Book Review
There is nothing that sounds as beautiful and real than short poetry words which talk about life. The author is a free spirit who did not strictly follow most poetry rules. I was totally immersed in this book because it is in simplicity that we get to enjoy art. Poet and author Z. K. Black’s style of writing can be described as warm and uncomplicated. One can feel that the words came from deep down within the heart. One thing I found extraordinary about The Human Experience is the author’s ability to arouse emotions from the reader. Readers feel the author’s words hovering around them, especially when talking about situations one can relate to.
Z. K. Black divided the book into three major parts; The Heart, The Mind and The Soul. Each part talks about a unique subject which is linked to the other two. The author’s creativity here must be lauded as this division in the book made reading seem like a fun sport. The author may not have had a regular rhyme scheme but their incorporation of other stylistic devices like similes, metaphors, and symbolism make the book great. ‘Dear Dad’ was such a personal poem that made me feel like I was reading someone else’s journal. The words cut deep as the author talked about his relationship with their father. I love how the poem ‘Trust’ felt experimental.
The first two lines of ‘Pocket Change’ had me think about some things in my life. “Do you have something because you need it? Or do need something simply because you have it?” I could not help but ponder about the questions and the mental answers I gave. This poem makes one of the poems where I imagined that the writer was directly speaking to me. Every poem evoked different emotions. I for a moment felt like I had been on top of a rollercoaster. The feeling at the end of the book was beautiful regardless.
The fact that this book is only 92 pages impresses me more. The Human Experience is a book you can read as you wait for the train, wait to get served at the hotel, peruse as you wait for classes to commence or read it in any other location. It is a light read that does not require one to be too involved in the book to enjoy it. I recommend this book to not only poetry lovers but also to people who are perhaps hit with the readers’ block because it is a short and sweet read. I also applaud Z. K. Black because the book can be enjoyed by readers of all ages. Grade school pupils, high school students and students in institutions of higher learning can all read, understand and analyze The Human Experience. Reading the book makes you appreciate the connection of the title and the content inside.