Title: The Mountains We Climb: Let’s Begin the Climb
Author: Anthony M. Baisden
Publisher:  Pen Culture Solutions
ISBN:  978-1638123804
Pages:  36
Genre:  Self-Help
Reviewed by: Lisa Brown

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A short but powerful, and altogether spurring read, Anthony M. Baisden’s The Mountains We Climb: Let’s Begin The Climb, serves to motivate troubled minds and hearts, as well as light the way to the end of the darkened, chaotic tunnel which can often be a part of life.

Ripe with insights and lessons gleaned from his life experiences, this is a work which posits the central tenet, of finding one’s purpose in life, which more often than not, is not always an easy path. However, within this work, author Baisden shares his journey of what he has learned, believes, and exemplifies; that we are all blessed with gifts, which may not always be readily apparent, but once realized, the God given gifts you have, are the key to your purpose.  And for Anthony Baisden it was by realizing his gifts that he chose the path of becoming a motivational speaker, and author, publishing his first motivational book, willfully and authentically sharing his journey to self-realization told through his narrative of personal trials, mentations concerning life, biblical references, inspiring quotes, triumphs, and lessons learned.

Additionally, based generally on his experiences, this reads somewhat as a biography, exemplifying within each of the ten included chapters, an examination of a particular aspect of life he experienced, his insights as well as the lessons learned. Each experience heralded a scenario within which he could have either spiraled into chaos or soared toward triumph.  It was his continual work on his mindset, and personal tenacity which proved to allow for his self-realization and empowerment, to take hold in his life. Both proving and positing overall that having faith, dedication and making considerate choices for yourself aids in empowering you towards your greatness.

Initially, this brief but empowering narrative, starts out, with looking into seeking personal purpose as well as what factors motivated him. Chapter 1, titled: Purpose delves into just that, finding your gifts which hold the keys to your purpose in life. This chapter includes the many changes he went through towards finding his purpose. Next Chapter 2, Pain examines how pain can lead to success. Followed by Chapter 3, Mistakes which helps to alter the common mindset about mistakes. The ensuing chapters, 4 through 10, likewise, cover necessary life lessons including the topics of Excuses, Failure, Accomplishments, Greatness, Patience, Faith, and Vision. Moreover, the tenable tenets such as using your “hardships” to both fuel and achieve your goals made for fantastic motivation.

Altogether, I truly enjoyed The Mountains We Climb, by Anthony M. Baisden, this brief and very relatable work, flowed with astute insights. Both, well written and easily engaging this is a work I could refer to again and again as quick reference guide to life. In totality, Author Baisden has done a wonderful job as a motivational author and also has a website where he continues to inspire and motivate; liftmeup.jp. This is a work I highly recommend and look forward to reading more inspiring, works by this author.

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