Title: The Portuguese Witness
Author: John Reidy
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 978-1728398389
Pages: 206
Genre: Travel/Marriage & Long-Term Relationships
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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Travel and distance can often give people a new perspective on relationships and romance as a whole. As Robert Louis Stevenson once said, “Absences are a good influence in love and keep it bright and delicate. In author John Reidy’s book The Portuguese Witness, a story of a young man who experiences great loss using travel, history and culture to overcome the pain, and find himself again takes center stage.

After a young man named Paulo finds love, he experiences great tragedy, setting him on a course which will take him to new locations, connect with a figure from the age of Roman occupied Portugal, and rely on the relationships between friends, both young and old, family and much more. As the past meets the present, the reader is taken along on a journey which explores love, loss and humanity’s connection to culture and history, in order to better understand the present.

A well written, descriptive and detailed read, author John Reidy does an excellent job of bringing the reader into the culturally rich world of Portugal. The history and settings become just as important a character in the story as the protagonist himself, creating a rich narrative that readers will connect with emotionally.

This is the perfect read for anyone who enjoys travel, dramatic stories of love and loss, and sophisticated intellectually written books overall. As a fan of travel, it was great to get just as immersed in the book’s setting as the actual narrative, creating an immersive experience that connected me with a thought provoking and emotionally driven story.

This is a truly wonderful, fairly fast-paced and driven narrative that readers will love. Grounded in emotion and driven by the theme of travel and history meeting culture and relationships, this is a breath of fresh air. Filled with memorable characters and settings that showcase our connections to one another, this is a well-rounded journey that deserves to be read, so be sure to grab your copy of this amazing book today.

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