Title: The Principle of True Representation: Mind, Matter and Geometry in a Self-Consistent Universe
Author: John T. Winthrop
Publisher: Wordhouse Book Publishing
ISBN: 978-1950256327
Pages: 560
Genre: Science & Mathematics
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers
Pacific Book Review
As we seek to understand our place in the Universe and the ways in which our Universe behaves, one of the most important questions we can ask is, how we did we discover the laws of physics altogether? The only way to expand our knowledge of the cosmos and take our place amongst the stars is to understand the basic building blocks of physics and the math which allows us to comprehend how the physics works.
In author John T. Winthrop’s The Principle of True Representation: Mind, Matter and Geometry in a Self-Consistent Universe, the author dives into the origins and structure of physical law itself, removing the boundaries that exist between the study of physics, metaphysics and neuroscience. Using advanced mathematics and science to explore these concepts, the core of the authors work is to not only discover why these laws exist to begin with, but what our universe would look like without conscious observers altogether. The author also hopes to bridge the gaps which exist in our understanding of nature and space-time, and how these aspects of the Universe are all connected.
The author did an incredible job of building a thoughtful and intellectually-driven read. The attention to detail utilized and scientifically driven research in the book, and the way in which the author was able to showcase how the united force of both appearance and reality helps to define the laws of physics was truly mesmerizing to behold. The ways in which the author utilizes the science and math which makes up this book’s foundation and still find a way to bridge the gap between science and philosophy was inspired as well.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy scientifically-driven non-fiction reads, especially those which engage the reader on an intellectual level, explores the state of the Universe, utilizes mathematics in the research of this science, and explores the philosophy of this science – all at the same time. This book will definitely speak to the more scientifically and intellectually drawn readers as well. My fascination with the Universe and how reality and consciousness works kept me invested in this well-developed book.
Thought-provoking, engaging, and gripping, author John T. Winthrop’s The Principle of True Representation: Mind, Matter and Geometry in a Self-Consistent Universe is a must-read scientific non-fiction book. The groundbreaking and breathtaking theories and research the author presents is remarkable to say the least, and the broad array of laws and scientific avenues pursued in this book allows for the reader to really get a glimpse into the wonder and awe which exists within the many fields of science and philosophy, and solidifies a better understanding of how the Universe works as a whole.