Title: The Quest: A Lakota Legend
Author: Charles Richard Latona
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing LLC
ISBN: 1643612336
Pages: 326
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

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The Quest: A Lakota Legend is set during ancient Native North American times. Author Charles Richard Latona narrates the story modestly and with composure. The reader is enlightened on the way of life of Native American communities and gets a deep understanding to their spirituality. Reading this book gave me the impression of living in the historic era, a truly unique time period. Other than being captivating, the author blends his creativity in his writing skills with his composition to bring about a terrific and original story. In particular, I took delight in how the book started.

We are introduced to an old man, White Wolf, who loves his pipe and acknowledges his spirituality. White Wolf smokes as he does some rituals to address the Great Spirit, the guardian, and the protector of the tribe. I was intrigued how the author keeps readers guessing about the direction of the plot. How is a particular character important? Why should we pay attention to their role? Will the Wicasa’s actions to the tribe be consequential?

White Wolf does not have a lot of time left, and knowing how time flies; he seeks to get a successor. White Wolf’s duty was not an easy task, and not everyone in the community could handle the functions and responsibilities he had bestowed upon him. He then asked the Grand Father, the Great Spirit, to help him in his quest to find the individual to take over from him. Among the things he needed to do is decide on how strong the brave should be; what gifts he has and how prepared he is to face any form of suffering.

Being an old Shaman, White Wolf understands the spirit world and knows how to communicate with the Grand Father. The selection process for his successor involved several special ceremonies and rituals. One day, the elderly Shaman receives a vision to name the next Wicasa, Flaming Eagle. The problem with the chosen one was that White Wolf had no idea who he was. White Wolf knew the four students who were awaiting either a confirmation or rejection as his predecessor. In his wisdom, the elderly Shaman knew that his successor had to have character, conduct themself well and be ready to lead the tribe. The entire process of vetting the candidates was an exciting aspect to the story, as the author let the reader travel to a world very different from ours.

Reading about the tribe’s practices was a great experience. I enjoyed how White Wolf and Flaming Eagle are portrayed in the book. These are strong persons who are needed in every society. White Wolf was a loyal, respectful and cultured individual who obeyed those above him. This is seen when he is shown a vision of his future successor. White Wolf did not question nor try to argue about the Grand Father’s choice. Flaming Eagle was proven to be a determined and reliable person too.

In The Quest: A Lakota Legend, the author shows how some key figures in societies are burdened with responsibilities which sometimes overwhelm them. The figures are however important in every community as they guide people on the right path and assure them that they are in good hands. I enjoyed reading this book, as the story was casual and the characters well-balanced. This is an important bit of Native American history that will leave an indelible impression on all who read The Quest: A Lakota Legend.

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