Title: The Rebel
Author: Nathan Johnson
Publisher: Blueprint Press Internationale
ISBN: 978-1961117600
Pages: 78
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

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Anyone who has ever had the inclination to challenge what is “normal,” or to go against the established order of things, has either called themselves or been called a “rebel.” The term rebel often becomes associated with the actions and motivations behind bullies and criminals, and yet rebels are not always on the wrong side of history. Entire nations have been founded on the actions of rebels, and what is considered normal, or the law is not always what is right, and so a rebel or rebel movement could be needed. This could also impact people on a more personal level, forcing a person to rebel against a troubled home life.

A challenging home life filled with danger and abuse is what drives the protagonist in author Nathan Johnson’s The Rebel, a short novella which explores the early years of a young man who is forced to rebel against an abusive parent and a system rigged against him. After he is singled out by his abusive father, John is forced to endure hardship and struggle both at home and in school. Retreating into a life with a local gang and getting into trouble to escape, his father’s growing violent nature looms heavily over his head as he seeks a means of not only escaping, but protecting his mother and two brothers from the threat his father represents.

Heartbreak and tragedy drive much of this narrative home for readers. The author brings a first-person perspective to the story, allowing the reader to not only see the protagonist’s thoughts and actions, but their emotional state as the abuse and violent nature grows in his household. The authenticity and reality of this kind of home life made the story feel within reach, the characters flawed yet relatable and the setting of the 60s popped on the page thanks to the author’s use of imagery and straightforward dialogue that kept the action between the protagonist and his father elevated.

In such a short amount of time, the author establishes the narrative for readers who enjoy drama and fiction storytelling, especially with a specialty for genre fiction readers. The theme of rebellion and overcoming great odds perfectly played out in this narrative, and the protagonist’s sense of good and right in the face of so much turmoil and pain allowed readers to really connect with the story overall. A fantastic character study and heartfelt cry to anyone who finds themselves in such a challenging home life, this novella will stay with readers in the wake of the final chapter.

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