Title: The Runecaster: A Tale of Ancient Germany
Author: Thomas White
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1796064728
Pages: 406
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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Pacific Book Review

One of the great things about the Historical Fiction genre is it allows readers to explore
a point in our own world’s history and see through it from a lens of a fantasy driven
narrative, for the people in those times truly felt and breathed in the things we consider
ancient mythology. As George R.R. Martin once said, “I have always regarded historical
fiction and fantasy as sisters under the skin, two genres separated at birth.”

In author Thomas White’s book The Runecaster: A Tale of Ancient Germany, readers
are treated to a rare point in history; the exploration of the days of Ancient Rome.
During the rise and establishment of the largest empire the Western civilization had
seen up to that point, a young Nord born boy named Bjorn was gifted with the power of
sight and able to read the future through the use of Runes. He is soon employed into
the service of a Prince turned King named Armin, of the land of Germany. He works to
unite the tribes of Germany while pretending to allow Rome into the heart of his lands,
all the while plotting one of Rome’s greatest defeats. Bjorn experiences the cultural
changes from his time in childhood to now, the powerful sexual expectations put on him
versus the reality of who he is, and the bond he shares with the King as they seek to
change history forever.

This is a well written, unique and entertaining viewpoint into a widely underutilized
moment in history. The ancient Germanic tribes and their culture when presented
alongside the cultures of the Nord, Zealand and Roman cultures was interesting to see
unfold during Bjorn’s journey. The author does a fantastic job of world building and
creating a narrative which is heavily character-driven.

This is a novel for anyone who enjoys history, ancient cultures, and especially the
Historical Fiction genre. As a fan of the genre, it was great to see a completely new era
of history brought to such stunning life on the pages. The author’s use of the chapter
headings as part of the protagonist’s many scribing tablets was a highly creative choice
as well, helping to make the book feel as historical and profound as the story deserved.

A lengthy yet interestingly complex read, author Thomas White’s The Runecaster: A
Tale of Ancient Germany,
is a masterful narrative that draws the reader in. With a highly
descriptive way of writing, the author brings the reader fully into the era of time where
various tribes and cultures ruled the forests of Germany and beyond.

It is a truly a one of-a-kind read in which Historical Fiction fans won’t be able to get enough of, so be sure to grab your copy today!

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