Title: The Scar of Cain: The Books of Jasher, Book 1
Author: Bill W. Sanford
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 979-8889635642
Pages: 336
Genre: Fiction / Science Fiction & Fantasy
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Pacific Book Review
It is often said the history of mankind is written by the winners. In essence, history as we know it today is written by those who survived the conflicts or had the most historical records found. This is what makes the works of historical figures and historians alike so beloved and remarkable, as their work helps to ensure the history of the world will be kept recorded in truth and honesty for years to come. Yet there are many historical records which over time have become intertwined with religious beliefs and works of ancient mythology as well, and finding ways of discerning between the three possibilities is part of the hard work that historians and scientists work towards.
In author Bill W. Sanford’s The Scar of Cain: The Books of Jasher, Book 1, the author explores the blend of history, mythology, and faith that often comes from history by exploring the legend and belief behind Adam, Noah, and their descendants. In the present day, a researcher is contacted by a mysterious man, and finds himself enthralled and integrated into a battle of good and evil he never could have seen coming. Through the story of this man’s life, readers learn the secret history of Cain, the first wicked man to walk the Earth, and through his mentorship from Lucifer, creates a secret brotherhood that helps plunge the world into chaos, leading to the eventual Biblical Flood. Yet did Cain and his brotherhood survive, and if so, what could they hope to bring to the modern world?
The author did a wonderful job of crafting a unique story that is both enthralling and engaging. The way the author was able to create a narrative set both in the past and present, and the emotional heart of Cain’s descent into madness and rage and the impact it had on Adam, Eve, and their entire family was so mesmerizing and heartfelt to read. The thrills and action got my blood pumping as Jasher told the story of mankind’s fall and the secret civilization Cain developed that would lead to God’s decision to strike down mankind save for Noah and his family and the animals they gathered was both creative and shocking, touching upon elements of fantasy and political intrigue through the story of Cain his splintering relationship with his family.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy historical fiction, especially those which explore themes and elements of religion, mythology, and the battle of good versus evil overall. The character development and the rich imagery that the author’s writing style provided to the reader allowed the overall feeling of reading a historical record to come through clearly. Whether you believe in the Christian faith or not, the intrigue and high stakes tension which the author built allows the reader to get lost in the narrative easily.
Memorable, entertaining, and captivating, author Bill W. Sanford’s The Scar of Cain: The Books of Jasher, Book 1 is a must-read historical fiction novel. The twists and turns in the story of Cain, Abel, Seth, Noah and his family line made this such a powerful and engaging story. The attention to detail the author paid, from the reported long age of mankind in those days as reported in the Bible, to the uniquely creative reports of Cain and his people which the author brings to life, makes this a thrilling story and beginning to the brand new historical fiction series.