Title: The Science of Energy
Author: Payman Sattari
Publisher: Pragda Press
ISBN: 979-8-9896275-2-3
Genre: Relativity Physics
Pages: 218
Reviewed by: Allison Walker

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In The Science of Energy, the first book of the “The Language of Truth” series, author Payman Sattari takes readers on an intriguing journey through the evolution of our understanding of science and metaphysics. A gifted communicator, Sattari succeeds in demystifying complex scientific concepts by breaking them down into their most basic parts. The Science of Energy is a beginners course in the history of science and raises thought-provoking questions about our understanding of the Universe.

Sattari opens his book with a promise to unravel the mysteries of what we consider “spooky” science, the phenomena personal to us yet intangible and thought to be unexplainable. For example, Sattari points out that “experience itself… Even if you believe experience to be caused by the brain or the body, it’s not something you can just point at with your finger or measure with a ruler.” Throughout The Science of Energy, Sattari delivers on this commitment with an engaging blend of clarity and enthusiasm. He seamlessly guides readers through the historical evolution of our understanding of energy, from the first efforts of ancient Greece to measure nature, through the Industrial Revolution, and up to our modern understanding of science. It’s an ambitious project: to stuff centuries of history into a pamphlet-sized bite of metaphysical theory. What sets The Science of Energy apart is Sattari’s ability to distill profound ideas into digestible insights, ensuring readers grasp the fundamental principles without getting lost in the intricacies of scientific jargon.

By using a broad-stroke approach to explain the foundation of his argument for a metaphysical ontology that classifies non-physical phenomena into a system both unarguably real and integrative with the rest of science, Sattari manages not to overwhelm novice readers. Sattari’s argument is bolstered by real-world examples and historical anecdotes, making the subject matter not only informative but also deeply engaging and intellectually provocative.

The Science of Energy is a must-have resource for amateur scientists interested in exploring new ideas in metaphysics. The author’s passion for his subject radiates throughout the book. Sattari delves into topics such as questions of consciousness, the shaping of reality, and the relationships between inner perception and outward experience. This philosophical exploration adds a layer of depth to the book, inviting readers to ponder the profound implications of the scientific principles being presented and how they could intersect with our faith-based beliefs. The Science of Energy excels in its approach to addressing the philosophical implications of our evolving understanding of the universe.

Sattari has crafted an exploration of one of the most fundamental and universal concepts in science with his book, The Science of Energy. As the first volume in the “The Language of Truth” series, it sets an interesting foundation for future, deeper explorations into the frontiers of metaphysical understanding.

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