Title: The Second Arrow: A Book Of Illustrated Poetry
Author: Sahli A. Cavallaro
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1664137523
Pages: 126
Genre: Poetry
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Pacific Book Review
As humanity continues to grow and evolve as a species, one of the toughest aspects of any person’s growth has to be that of duality. While we often like to pretend the world exists as a place that is very black or white, the truth of the matter is that the world and the people within it are often swimming through many shades of grey. As journalist LZ Grandson once said, “Heroes aren’t supposed to do bad things. That’s what villains are for. So either the good supersedes the bad, or the bad makes it impossible to remember the good. We don’t like it when such duality exists in one person. We don’t want to know our heroes are human.”
In author Sahli A. Cavallaro’s The Second Arrow: A Book of Illustrated Poetry,” the author explores themes of duality and transitions. Delving into issues such as racism, naturalism, LGTBQ issues and more, the author uses their experience as a practicing psychologist to explore complex issues facing the world by delving into the dim boundary between conscious and unconscious. This book reflects the author’s own work to celebrate the beauty of full disclosure and the inspiration of mystery through a heartfelt collection of imagery and poetry.
A fascinating and thoughtful approach to both the genre and the themes within, this is a fantastic read. The author/poet does a marvelous job of highlighting some of the most complex and important issues facing us all in the current age, from the struggles of those facing persecution due to race, gender or who they love, to the idea of duality existing within us all and the nature of suffering; which is inevitable at one point or another in all our lives. The author’s approach to the poetry is both visually stimulating and intellectually stunning. Each poem not only reflects the emotions of each topic perfectly, but allows the reader to think critically about these issues and challenge their own preconceived notions.
This book is the perfect read for those who enjoy poetry, especially poetry that uses imagery and delves into very relevant and reflective topics of discussion. As a fan of poetry, it was easy to delve into the book itself, while also complex in its delivery and emotional in its approach. A good book of poetry should not only touch upon the reader’s emotions but reflect human nature at one point or another, and this book does just that.
Quick, heartfelt and thoughtful, author Sahli A. Cavallaro’s The Second Arrow is a must- read and engaging book of poetry. The poems are expertly crafted and give the reader a full experience both emotionally and mentally. Beautiful in its delivery and masterful in its approach, be sure to grab your own copy of this marvelously entertaining read!