Title: The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up
Author: Ms. Shada Burks
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-9845-6246-3
Pages: 164
Genre: Religion/Spirituality/Self-Help
Reviewed by: CC Thomas
Pacific Book Review
In the introduction to Ms. Shada Burks’ The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up, the author shares her mission and purpose with the reader. Her goal is to continue to grow in spiritual strength and to help others by providing a “spiritual tune-up” for Christians who might have grown weary in their faith when facing obstacles, struggles, and challenges of everyday life. Burks reminds the readers that the spiritual goal for every Christian is to grow in faith, and this handy book provides a fun and clever way to refocus those spiritual energies.
Each chapter focuses on a different type of personality and gives guidance to those who have that disposition so that they can grow in their own faith. Burks addresses many types of temperaments and readers will be sure to find one that resonates. For each personality style, Burks provides clues to let readers zero in on which they have. For example, those on the creative and imaginative life path will have positive features, such as being helpful and sensitive, and negative features, such as being argumentative and disagreeable. The more one reads about a self-chosen personality type, the more one realizes Burks knows her stuff. For example, creative people are often verbal and artistic, but can be self-centered and lack direction. Burks’s advice: Don’t deny who you are; speak your mind and be sassy about it! The guide is also helpful when dealing with friends and family who might have that type of personality. The author provides some clear guidelines on how to be direct and not destructive and reminds readers that every personality was put here by God for a reason. She reminds us that we were not born to fit in or conform to other’s wishes, but should remember that God carefully designed us for a purpose. When rejected by others, Burks reminds us that this rejection is simply God directing us to our highest good. So, try again.
The format of the book offers a lot to readers, from those who want to read it straight through to gain general guidance or for those who want to take their time and use it as a periodic reflective tool. Each chapter offers a Biblical basis for Burks’ thinking and gives readers some guidelines on what to do to tackle uncertainties in their faith. The personal stories really resonate and are grounded in a reality that all of us experience, whether stronger or weaker or faith. Burks also provides reflective questions throughout that will guide the reader to work through faith-based confusions and walk a straighter path with the Lord’s guidance.
The Soul Doctor Spiritual Tune-Up isn’t for Biblical scholars, but for those who want some gentle reminders. The author’s focus is on people who are on a life path to success. It is a personal narrative by an author who considers herself to be a guide to others, as well as a self-help for those who need a little nudge in the right direction. Readers who need just that—a tune-up in faith—will find this little gem has a lot to offer, in a fun and creative way.